Updates to PYP Mathematics at GWA Allen McInnis
Where we were August 2016 - GWA formed a PYP Mathematics Curriculum Committee to review and make recommendations for the Curriculum
September 2016 The committee met for the first time and we began looking at both what we were doing well and what needed improvement. Continuum Connections to external assessment – i.e. MAP tests Units Consistent delivery Concept based activities linked to our curriculum.
This was the old version.
Where we are Updated Look & Content.
External Assessments.
Normative DAta
Children grow and learn at different rates for different reasons. Consider the following students. No single assessment can tell the story of their journey.
Student progress over time Grade 4
Student progress over time Grade 6
Student progress over time Grade 8
GWA is an IB PYP school This Area Assesses MAP
An example of what an activity in mathematics might look like.
Where we are going Math units that continue to allow concepts to be explored and support the development of the essential elements of the PYP Supported by a continuum of standards and benchmarks that will link to our external assessments to inform further curriculum development A more consistent deliver of what is already a very strong mathematics program
Any Questions?