CDI Prevention Partnership Collaborative CDI Prevention Partnership Collaborative Final Team Workshop Westborough, MA June 22, 2012
C. Difficile Prevention Partnership Collaborative 10/11 Team call 11/11 Kickoff Workshop 12/11 Coaching Call 1/12 Leadership call Refresher call Regional workshops 4/12 Antibiotic Stewardship Call (overview + PPI us) 4&5/12 Regional Antibiotic Steward-ship Workshops 6/12 Statewide Learning & Sharing Workshop 7/30 11AM Conference call Hospital / Long Term Care Partnerships MEASURE / MONITOR
Themes for Today Combining technical and adaptive change strategies Best technical practices for infection prevention Best process practices for making change Sharing and Learning Featuring 3 presenting teams You!
After today Stipends available: deadline July 16 Send us your data Watch for the online survey announcement Send July data when available Plan your party? Conference Call: July 30th 11am Potential new opportunity: antibiotic stewardship Keep in touch: partners, listserve