Welcome to the Fulton Library Media Center
Your Library Staff Ms. Abagi, Teacher Librarian
When is the library open? MON, WED, THUR, FRI: 7:30 am to 3:20 pm CLOSED: Every Tuesday (library maintenance day)
When can I come to the library? You can visit the library: Before school During nutrition and lunch During class hours (with a proper library pass) Whole class (with the teacher)
What else should we know?
3 CHECK-OUT RULES How many? 3 books, max. How long? 2 weeks. Must have a current student ID card How many? 3 books, max. How long? 2 weeks. Need more time? Renew them for 2 more weeks.
What if my book is LATE? The fine is 10¢ a day per book ($5 max. per book) We don’t count weekends or school holidays. If you lose your book, you MUST pay for it before you can check out another book.
What would keep me from being able to check out books? No Student ID Owing money in fines LATE Having overdue books Having 3 books checked out already
COMPUTER USE AGREEMENT Computers & Printers COMPUTER USE AGREEMENT No changing the look of the computer desktop/screen saver No websites with inappropriate words (like swear words) or pictures (like pornography). No recreational gaming, music, or videos. No chat rooms or instant messaging No shopping, selling, or gambling. No downloading software or games to school computers. No damaging school computer equipment. Printing cost 10 cents per white and black page and 25 cents per color copy. If you choose NOT to follow one or more of these rules, your school computer privileges may be revoked FOR THE REST OF THE SCHOOL YEAR.
How do I look for books? Browse the shelves (fun—not always effective) Use Destiny online catalog
Types of Books Fiction Non-Fiction Reference FIC STI 031 GUI REF 948
Call Number Call number = address Where does the book live? 031 GUI FIC STI I further this analogy of the call number being an address by give the analogy of an apartment building. I say that when you go to someone’s apartment they just don’t say I live at So and So apartments. That’s the area that they live, but the apartment number gives the specific spot. That is where you can always find them in the apartment complex. Same with a book. The apartment building is the books general section, but it has a specific apartment number that you have to go to find it. 12
Stories from author’s imagination Fiction Books are.. Stories from author’s imagination Organized in alphabetical order by the first 3 letters of the author’s last name FIC ZIN
All Non-fiction books are true and are arranged in numerical (1, 2, 3) order… according to the Dewey Decimal System
How Does Dewey System Work?
The Dewey Decimal System Divides EVERYTHING into 10 general areas or topics… 000: Generalities 100: Philosophy & Psychology 200: Religion 300: Social Issues 400: Language 500: Natural Sciences & Mathematics 600: Technology & Applied Science 700: Arts & Recreation 800: Literature 900: History & Geography
The call number of the nonfiction book contains the book’s Dewey decimal number… plus the first 3 letters of the author’s last name. I remind students of slide 4, about how the books are placed in numeric order first. I explain it to them by using an example of a number line (which I have students looking at on desks). I ask them questions of which come first 1 or 5. Then I go to higher numbers 109 or 122. Then I ask about decimals. I ask similar questions regarding alphabet. Further explain that each book has a call number that helps put the book in the right order and it is used for finding a book. I encourage kids, by telling them they can find a book if they can count to ten (modify this statement if there are students who cannot count to ten). Student Activity: Have students near each other (4 to 5) put their books in order according to how they think they would find them on the shelf- according to what they have just learned. During this time monitor the room and ask groups how they know their books are in order. At the conclusion have groups share out, but reiterate that this will be true in all sections. Books will be numerical ordered and if books have the same number then the book is alphabetized. A book about Penguins By author John Wexo 598.44 WEX 17
Now Let’s Go Find Stuff!