Ensuring Success through Assessment – Conclusion


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Presentation transcript:

Ensuring Success through Assessment – Conclusion

Video Let’s watch this brief conclusion and do a few final activities. Play the video.

Write one of more objectives that match the project. Choose a project page at the end of any unit in your Our World Student Book. Then do the following: Write one of more objectives that match the project. Create a rubric that you could use to assess the project. Application Ask participants to work in pairs and do the activity on the screen. Note to the trainer: If the participants are already using Our World, they can use their own books for this activity. If participants do not have copies of Our World, or to make the activity less open-ended, you can select one project page in Our World and make photocopies for participants. Then, use the lesson planner to check their answers. The objectives and rubric for the project are included in the Lesson Planner.

Write down three new things you learned about assessment today that you can apply to your teaching. 1.__________________________________________________ 2.__________________________________________________ 3.__________________________________________________ Reflection Give participants about three minutes to think about the prompt and write their responses on the backside of Handout 7.2. Then, ask at least three or four participants to share their ideas with the group. Type some of their answers on the screen. Conclude the workshop. Hopefully you feel more confident doing formative, classroom-based assessment with your young learners. Keep in mind that the Our World Lesson Planner does a lot of the work for you. It includes formative assessment ideas, checklists, and rubrics that you can use. And hopefully this workshop will help you to create your own formative assessment tools that are just right for your young learners.