Education and Skills September 2018 Leadership Structure Director of Education and Skills Head of Commissioning Learning and Achievement Head of Commissioning Access and Infrastructure Head of 0-25 SEND Executive Head Teacher Virtual Schools Delivery units of: Learning and Achievement SEND Education Access Business Development Debden Fair Play Extended Learning
Virtual School
24329 Executive Head Teacher Virtual School G 11880 1 FTE 24325 Strategic Information , Data and Systems manager 24323 Employment Education and Training Manager 24326 Acting Head of School 26358 Data and Information Officer 28107 YES Trainee Vacancy 24322 Training Advisor 24967 24327 Mentoring Co - Ordinator 14 18 . 5 25181 Care Leavers Employment Education and Training Advisor 24320 Advisory Teacher 24321 28648 School Support officer 28538 Education Advisor ( All year ) term time 28537
Access and Infrastructure
FTE = 27.3 Total staff =40 Access and Infrastructure Service - Summary Head of Service ( Commissioning Leader) Education Commissioning Tier 4: 3 FTE Tier 5: 2 FTE Admissions & Pupil Services Tier 4: 1 FTE Tier 5: 9 FTE Learning Zone Tier 4: 1 FTE Tier 5: 1 FTE Debden Centre Tier 4: 1 FTE Tier 5: 3.6 FTE (15 staff) FTE = 27.3 Total staff =40 Schools finance Tier 4: 1 FTE Tier 5: 4.66 FTE
Educations and Skills: 3 Educations and Skills: 3. Access and Infrastructure (1) – Education Commissioning Head of Commissioning ( Commissioning Leader ) for Access and Infrastructure (SMR-C) Place Planning Commissioner (PO7) Vacant (newly created post) School Support Services Commissioner (PO7) Post 16 Commissioner (PO7) Commissioning Officer (PO2) Commissioning Officer (PO1) Vacant
Educations and Skills: 3 Educations and Skills: 3. Access and Infrastructure (2) – Admissions & Pupil Services Commissioning Leader for Access and Infrastructure (SMR-C) Admissions & Pupil Services Group Manager (SMRA) Pupil Benefits and Data Processing Officer (PO1) Schools Admissions and Appeals Officer (PO3) Data Integrity and Communications Officer (PO5) Pupil Benefits and Data Officer (Primary) (Scale 6) Pupil Benefits and Data Officer (Primary) (Scale 6) Pupil Benefits and Data Officer (Scale 6) Schools Admissions and Appeals Officer (Secondary) (SO1) Schools Admissions and Appeals Officer (SO1) School and Inter LA Admissions Data Officer (Scale 6)
Educations and Skills: 3. Access and Infrastructure (3) Learning Zone Commissioning Leader for Access and Infrastructure (SMR-C) Learning Zone Team Leader (Soulbury) Study Support Centre Manager (Soulbury) *Additional sessional staff are commissioned when needed to deliver specific projects
Educations and Skills: 3. Access and Infrastructure (4) Debden Centre Commissioning Leader for Access and Infrastructure (SMR-C) Debden Centre Team Leader (PO7) Campsite Assistant x4 (Scale 1) Domestic Assistant x5 (Scale 1) ** Grounds person x2 (Scale 1) Grounds Assistant (Scale 2) * Senior Grounds Officer (SO2) Team Manager - Finance Data and Business Systems (PO5) *** Campsite Assistant x2 (Scale 2/ Sessional)
Educations and Skills: 3. Access and Infrastructure (5) Schools finance Commissioning Leader for Access and Infrastructure (SMR-C) CYPS Schools Finance Manager (SMRB) Group Finance Manager (SMRB) Vacant 0.5 FTE Finance Assistant (Scale 4) Principle Finance Officer (PO6) 0.5 FTE Principle Finance Officer (PO6) 0.49 FTE Senior Finance Officer (PO2) Senior Finance Officer (PO2) 1 FTE Senior Finance Officer (PO2) 0.66 FTE Traded Bursar Service
Education and Skills
Education and Skills Management Team Head of Commissioning Education and Skills GF GF GF GF GF School Improvement Commissioning Outdoor Education – Fairplay House Attendance, CME and EHE Behaviour Support Services & Exclusions Alternative Provision Newham Adult Learning Service Commissioning Commissioning Commissioning Out of Scope
Education and Skills: School Improvement Commissioning GF Head of Commissioning, Education & Skills (SMRC) Commissioning GF GF GF GF 16-19 Commissioning Manager (SMRA) TBC **** School Improvement Advisor x2.5 (Soulbury) All Vacant Strategic Manager Primary/ Secondary (Soulbury) Project Officer PO2 ** Teacher (NUT Rep) x2 (External Funding , source tbc) All Delivery roles *** 16-19 Commissioning Officer (PO3)
Education and Skills: Outdoor Education - Fairplay House GF Acting Outdoor Education Manager (SMRB) Commissioning All Service Delivery TI TI Acting Deputy Outdoor Education Manager (Soulbury) Outdoor Education Business Manager/Area Admin Manager (TBC) Vacant TI Newceys Tutor x3 (Sessional) Sessional Worker) (domestic Assistant (12h) TI TI TI TI Sessional Youth Worker (Sessional) Instructor x6 (JNC Grade) Vacant TI Domestic Assistant x3 (Scale 3) TI Cook (Scale 5) Clerical Assistant/ Receptionist (Scale 3) Cook (Sessional) Sessional Instructor (Sessional)
Education and Skills: Attendance, CME and EHE GF Interim Group Manager (SMRA) Commissioning Service Delivery All Service Delivery TI TI TI Teacher - Elective Home Education (Teacher Grade) Elective Home Education Co-Ordinator and Caseworker (PO2) 0.8 FTE Attendance Manager (PO6) TI TI GF Attendance Management Officer x3 (SO2) NVQ Youth Trainee (NVQ Trainee Level 1) Courts Manager (PO3) TI GF CME Child Employment Officer (SO2) Penalty Notices Officer (Scale 6) Business Support
Education and Skills: Behaviour Support and Exclusions GF Acting Group Manager PO7 Commissioning Service Delivery All Service Delivery GF DSG DSG DSG Specialist Teacher x7 (DFE Grade *0.4FTE 0.75 FTE Vacant 0.4 FTE Manager of Behaviour Support (Teacher Grade) Vacant 0.75 FTE Manager of Behaviour Support (Teacher Grade) Vacant 0.25 FTE **Exclusions and Reintegration Manager (Teacher Grade) (Agency) DSG Early Years Practitioner (Scale 6) 0.86 FTE
Education and Skills: Alternative Provision GF Acting Group Manager PO7 Commissioning Service Delivery HNF HNF HNF HNF Additional Provision Operational Manager (JNC Grade) 0.14 FTE Teaching Assistant (Scale 4) Teaching Assistant (Scale 5) 0.86 FTE Teacher (Functional Skills/Maths/ English) (Teacher Grade) Service Delivery
Education and Skills: Newham Adult Learning Service Head of Newham Adult Learning Service 1 FTE SMRB (ESFA) Resources & Systems Manager ( 21 hours) SMRA (ESFA) Data & Logistics (28 hours) LP07 (ESFA) Resources & Systems Manager vacant (15 hours) SMRA (ESFA) Data & Logistics Manager vacant (7 hours) LP07 (ESFA) Finance Officer Vacancy 1 FTE APT&C P01 (ESFA)
Sessional Staff (ESFA) Sessional Tutors (ESFA) Education and Skills: 6. Newham Adult Learning Service Resources & Systems Manager (21 Hours ) SMRA (ESFA) Projects & Resources Officer JNC (ESFA) Creche Co-ordinator (P/T) APT&C S01 (ESFA) Vacancy Creche Leader APT&C Scale 5 (ESFA) Creche Leader (30 P/T) Creche Leader 30 hours pt Creche Asst 30 hours pt APT&C Scale 3 (ESFA) Creche Assistant 30 hours pt APT&C Scale 3 (ESFA) Creche Assistant 18 hours pt (Vacancy) APT&C Scale 3 (ESFA) Sessional Staff (ESFA) Sessional Tutors (ESFA)
Performance & Programme Manager Sessional Tutors (ESFA) Education and Skills: 6. Newham Adult Learning Service Head of Newham Adult Learning Service 1FTE SMRB (ESFA) Performance & Programme Manager Vacancy 1FTE FE Lecturers 45-48 (ESFA) Area Manager SE 1 FTE APT&C LP07 (ESFA) Family Learning Manager 1 FTE Soulbury 12 (ESFA) Area Manager SW 1 FTE Area Manager NE 1 FTE APT&C (ESFA) Area Manager NW 1 FTE APT&C P07 (ESFA) Senior Dev Worker Soulbury 4 (ESFA) Sessional Tutors (ESFA) Senior Tutor Coach 1 FTE FE Lecturers Scale (ESFA) Tutor Coach Team Tutor Coach .5 FTE FE Lecturers Scale 37(ESFA) Tutor Coach 24 hpw Curriculum Development Tutors ESOL 1 FTE Maths/English 1 FTE ICT/Business 1 FTE Inclusive Learning Care 1 FTE FE Lecturers Scale 37 (ESFA) Project Officer 1FTE APT&C P04(ESFA) Site Supervisor 1FTE vacancy APT&C 5 (ESFA) Site Supervisor 1FTE APT&C 5 (ESFA) Site Supervisor 1FTE vacancy APT&C 5 (ESFA) Asst Site Supervisor 1FTE APT&C 3 (ESFA) Site Supervisor 1FTE vacancy APT&C 5 (ESFA)
0-25 SEND
0-25 SEND Service Head of Service Direct Reports 0-25 SEND - Interim Group Manager Casework 0-25 SEND Interim 0-25 SEND Service Travel Assistance Contract Lead Language Commnication and Interaction Service Complex needs and Dyslexia Service Interim Group Manager for SEND (social care) Casework Sensory Serive Joint Seniors - Interim Educational Psychology Service Sue Gowans Office Manager at the Tunmarsh Centre
Sensory Service
Educational Psychologist Service Senior Educational Psychologist EP - Senior Practitioner Full time Main Grade EP Assistant EP Full time
Complex Needs and Dyslexia Service Group Manager Complex Needs & Dyslexia Service Senior Early Years Teacher Vacant - Business case written EY SEN Practitioner 0.8 FTE Complex learning needs (CLN) Senior Teacher CLN Teacher VACANT (use for Physio/OT cover) Teacher FTE 0.6 ( + 0.4 for Dyslexia) Vacant dependent on traded income Senior Teacher, SPLD SPLD/CLN Teacher SPLD/CLN Vacant dependent on traded income Adinistrative Officer (Business Support)
Language Communication and Interaction Service GM Language Communication & Interaction Service ASD Senior EY Teacher Senior EYS SEN Practitioner EYs SEN Practitioner (0.6) VACANT (0.4) Senior EYs SEN Practitioner EYs SEN practitioner EYs SEN Practitioner ASD Senior Specialist Teacher ASD Specialist Teacher SEN Practitioner ASD/DLD Specialist Teacher VACANT Senior Speech & Language Therapist (DLD/ASD) JOB SHARE Lead SLT DLD Lead SLT ASD Lead SLT ASD Specialist SLT DLD Specialist SLT ASD School's & Families Liasison Officer (BSU FUNDED)
0-25 SEND service Posts funded by General Fund Posts Grant funded during 18/19 shown with this colour outline. These posts to be extended to March -2019. Head of Service Interim 0-25 Travel Assistance Contract Lead FTE 1 Post-16 Commissioner Interim SEND 0 -25 Group Manager Perm FTE 1 (Agency) Post 16 and Transition Lead FTE 1 End of Sept 2018 Data & Systems Lead FTE 1 (Sept 18) Travel Assessment Co-ordinator FTE 1 (MAT) Post 16 EHC Co-ordinator FTE 1 Data & Inclusion Officer FTE 1 (Sept 18) ACO FTE 1 perm post ACO FTE 1 perm post ACO FTE1 perm post Agency Transfer Monitoring & Reviewing Officer FTE 0.8 Post 16 EHC Co-ordinator FTE 1 (Sept18) Monitoring & Reviewing Officer FTE 1 perm post Monitoring & Reviewing Officer FTE 1 perm post Monitoring & Reviewing Officer FTE 1 perm post Agency Monitoring & Reviewing Officer FTE 1 Sept 2018 Post 16 EHC Co-ordinator FTE 1 (Sept18) Post 16 EHC Co-ordinator FTE 1 (Sept 18) Assessment & Placement Officer FTE 1 Assessment & Placement Officer FTE 1 Assessment & Placement Officer FTE 1 Agency Transfer Monitoring & Reviewing Officer 0.8 ends Sept 2018 VACANCY to be Advertised Post 16 EHC Co-ordinator FTE 0.6 LOST to BS Assessment & Placement Officer FTE 1 LOST to BS Assessment & Placement Officer FTE 1
Integrated 0-25 SEND Social work team 0-25 SEND Group Manager Interim 0-25 SEND Team Manager 0-18 years Intervention Practice Leader 0-18 Intervention x2 Practice Leader x 1 Advanced Practitioner s Transition to Adulthood Practice Leader Advanced Practitioner x 2 Social Workers x 7 Vacancy Social Workers x 6 Social Worker x 6 Family Disability Worker x 1 Social Care Officer X 1 SEND Co-ordinators Children x 2