SATs Meeting KS2 2018
Questions If you think of a question during the meeting please do ask!! Feel free to interrupt!
What are SATs. Standard Assessment tests What are SATs? * Standard Assessment tests * Assessed in Reading, Maths and Grammar, punctuation and spelling * Writing will be teacher assessed later in the year * Week beginning Monday 13th May * Used by Government, Secondary Schools, Local Authority * Receive test results in July
SATs timetable These are all on the website Calendar Monday 13th May – GPS Tuesday 14th May – Reading Wednesday 15th May –Arithmetic Paper and Maths paper 1 Thursday 16th May – Maths Paper 2 Friday – Day of fun!! All test will start at 9am or as soon after this as possible!
How are the tests scored and marked this year? Tests will be marked externally and given a scaled score 100 is the expected standard for a child at the end of Year 6. 110 is the higher standard for a child at the end of Year 6. A pupils scaled scored will be based upon their raw score All children at the end of the year will receive a raw score, a scaled score and whether they attained expected standard or not.
Last Year’s thresholds… Last year this raw score was needed in each subject to achieve expected standard… Reading – 28/50 – 56% GPS – 38/70 – 54% Maths - 61/110 – 55% These fluctuate every year depending on the national ability but are likely to be roughly the same. They sound low but it is hard to achieve these percentages!
Last Year’s thresholds… Last year this raw score was needed in each subject to achieve Higher standard… Reading – 40/50 – 80% GPS – 56/70 – 80% Maths - 98/110 – 89% Higher Standard is most hardest to get in Maths.
Our results last year… In 2018 we achieved these percentages at KS2. Reading Writing GPS Maths Combined Expected Standard 79% 95% 100% 74% Higher Standard 25% 47% 37% 21% 11%
English - Writing 3 standards: working towards the expected standard working at the expected standard working at greater depth Those working below this will then be assessed against the Interim pre key-stage standards
Reading, Maths and Science Children will be assessed against two standards: Working at the expected standard of the test Working below the expected standard Those working below will then be assessed against the Interim pre key-stage standards
Will everyone take the tests? Most children in Year 6 will take the tests If a child is considered to be working below the standard of the test they may be dis-applied. If this is the case the Head Teacher will contact parents and a report will be written outlining why and given to the chair of govs and placed in the child’s records.
Reading Greater focus on fictional texts than in previous years Language played a huge part in the previous years texts – Children must understand what they are reading. Texts were wordy, hard to understand and classical 1 hour to read 3 different texts and answer questions at their own pace Texts tend to increase in difficulty (mostly in understanding) Out of 50
How can I help my child? Encourage them to read age appropriate books every night Read with your child – help them understand meanings of unknown words Read to your child Question them
GPS (Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling) Greater focus on knowing and applying grammatical terminology A sharp increase on what was expected in the old curriculum Paper 1 – question paper – 45 mins to answer Paper 2 – Spelling
Maths 3 papers – 1 arithmetic, 2 reasoning Arithmetic paper: tests basic calculation skills. Fast paced – 36 questions in 30 mins, replaces mental maths. Lots of work with adding, multiplying, dividing fractions Calculators are not allowed in any of the mathematics tests. Children need to have a firm understanding of the 4 different methods in order to work out calculations
Maths Reasoning paper: Interpreting the problem in order to answer
How will school be preparing the children? Staff well trained in expectations SATs Interventions already started for those that need extra guidance Booster groups with Mrs Bailey, Mrs Noonan in place More time from now until SATS will be spent on core subjects whilst ensuring the children still receive a broad and balanced curriculum
How can I help my child? Complete homework activities with your child making sure it is of a high standard Use methods that we use in school please Encourage them to complete online games, such as on the BBC website Complete revision books with them when available Please don’t let them have 2 weeks off at Easter – they must keep practising skills and reading Know what there areas to develop are – please speak to Mrs Bailey if unsure
How can I prepare my child emotionally? Prior and during SATs week have early nights the week before and week of SATs Early nights! Tired children don’t make good learners. Lots of our children are up very late and this does impact their learning. encourage children to try their best and assure them that you are proud of them eat well and regularly, keep hydrated ask children about how the tests went make sure they arrive punctually each day for school try to avoid unnecessary arguments/confrontations – keep stress levels low inform us if any issues arise with your child so that we can do our best to help
Look at the SATS papers Last years papers SATS are available online on the website. Familiarise yourselves with the content – you need to know what they are facing Please don’t complete papers at home – we may use them in school to assess their readiness for the tests and if they have completed before we get a false picture
SAT buster books The best books we have found on the market are CPG 10 minute SAT buster books. We get at a discounted price We will be sending out further information about these at the beginning of next year