SPEAKING C Marissa Danielsen
Welcome! Danielsen, Room 281, 6:30pm – 10:00pm
Professor Danielsen Born and raised in Southern California Master’s Degree in TESOL Bachelor’s in Fine Arts I enjoy creating art, playing video games, and hiking. What do you like to do for fun?
Syllabus Course Description: Practice Listening and Speaking skills Learn about American accent, idioms, and culture Become more confident in informal conversation as well as formal presentations
Class Materials: Jones, L. (2002). Let’s Talk 3. (Class Set) English Dictionary (Recommended: Longman ESL Dictionary) Notebook or paper, including a folder to keep your vocabulary work Pens, pencils, eraser Online Resources for Idioms & Vocabulary
How to Pass this Class Students must: Prepare and present a short class presentation using guidelines Learn and use conversational strategies Contribute to group discussions & share ideas Complete all Assignments Maintain good attendance following department policy Student Responsibilities Have an average of 70% on idiom quizzes
What is the IPA? International Phonetic Alphabet Provides a consistent written sound system across languages and dialects
IPA and American Spoken English
Class Presentations create and share a presentation on a special object or possession. Visual aids such as a PowerPoint slide presentation may be used. More information about this assignment will be given by the instructor.
Icebreaker Icebreaker bingo!
Let’s Talk 3 – First Impressions