Faculty Senate Dr. Robert J. Marley October 18, 2018 Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs
UPDATES 2018 HLC Site Visit last week Special recognition and thanks to the Accreditation Committee: Mark Fitch, ALO Caprice Moore Jeff Cawlfield Rachel Morris Kate Drowne John Myers Venkat Allada Nancy Stone Bruce McMillan
LEADERSHIP UPDATES National searches initiated: Dean of the Library Vice Provost for Enrollment Management
LEADERSHIP UPDATES Searches pending: Vice Provost for Global Learning Assistant Chair of Center for Advancing Faculty Excellence (CAFE) Internal
ACADEMIC OPERATIONS UPDATE $52,000 towards inflationary increase in Library journal subscriptions Mitigating larger reductions in subscriptions Chancellor’s Memorandum II-26 Temporary suspension through December Review committee to recommend possible updates to Policy Committee Ultimately to Chancellor
ACADEMIC OPERATIONS UPDATE Faculty Salary Incentive Policy Previously “on-hold” (per President) but extended this year New revisions to be reviewed and approval sought System-wide Distance and On-line Steering Committee Replacing single official initially identified Marley and Erickson to represent S&T MyVITA requirement for annual reviews
LEVERAGING RESOURCES FOR STRATEGIC USE Significant strategic goals to elevate research and creative work, student success, and other goals New facilities Enhanced facilities Faculty start-up Extraordinary opportunity to access $260 Million in matching funds from System
LEVERAGING RESOURCES Various cash return policies to be examined: Fixed-Price Contract Residuals F&A returns Distance education returns “carryover” of GRA $54.4 Million in various support accounts in FY18 $9.7 Million encumbered for faculty start-up
LEVERAGING RESOURCES Workload assignments Curricular requirements Move to be in full compliance with CRR and campus policy Curricular requirements Research Office: Center funding support F&A, Fixed Price contract distributions (mentioned above)
LEVERAGING RESOURCES Policy Status: Some drafts circulating Others drafts to be released to cognizant committees in near future Goal to update and implement by FY20
Division Updates Faculty Senate Meeting Thursday, October 18, 2018
Major Accomplishments Center for Advancing Faculty Excellence (CAFE) September 2018 Update Major Accomplishments Immediate Plans Sept 4: Lunch & Learn – Best Practices for Advising Graduate Students with faculty panel Sept 5: Early Career Faculty Forum – Getting Started with Teaching Sept 14 presentation: Results from the Gap Analysis of Faculty Development by Larry Gragg Sept 19: Early Career Faculty Forum – Undergraduate Advising 101 with Academic Support Sept 20 workshop: Assessment Techniques Part 1 – Rubrics with Instructional Design and Development Faculty Teaching Award selection committee meeting and nomination review Review CAFE’s role in the university Strategic Plan and develop plans to implement strategic goals Continue to coordinate logistics of Faculty Campus Awards process, award announcements and banquet coordination Coordinate logistics of Outstanding Teaching Award recognition event Upcoming Events Early Career Faculty Forums: Oct 3 – Identifying Research Sponsors & Finding Funding; Oct 3 – Scholarship of Teaching and Learning; Oct 17 – Meeting with the Master Mentors; Oct 31 – Office of Sponsored Programs; Oct 31 – Selecting Course Materials and AOER with IDD Oct 8 – Master Mentors check-in meeting Oct 11 – Design Thinking workshop Oct 19 – Lunch & Learn: Enhancing Your Research Visibility with Marketing and Communications Oct 25 – Assessment Techniques Part 2 – Examples from Faculty Faculty Campus Awards Selection Committees to review nominations week of Oct 8 – 12 (Excellence, Achievement, Research, Service)
College of Engineering and Computing Lianyi Chen’s, MAE Assistant Professor’s research was featured at Argonne National Laboratory, This study (Additive Manufacturing) is useful to the 3-D printing community to overcome a major barrier to making parts with fewer defects. Jonathan Kimball, ECE Professor, Robert Landers, MAE Professor and Jonghyun Park MAE Assistant Professor, and three private companies will combine their expertise to create charging stations for electric vehicles that could charge a car in less than 10 minutes – matching the time it takes to fill up a conventional vehicle with gasoline. Kimball is leading a team that received a $2.9 million grant from the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) to develop. Mohamed Elgawady’s , CArEE Professor, along with the help of the Missouri Department of Transportation has been studying ways to make rubber chip and seal for roads to cut costs and help with recycling. Yun Seong Song, MAE Assistant Professor, has been awarded an NSF EAGER grant of $299,928, where he is the PI and Dr. Devin Burns (Assistant Professor in Psychology) is the co-PI. This grant from the M3X program aims at developing a physically interactive robot to measure and analyze human movement during interactive tasks. Serhat Hosder, Associate Professor of Aerospace Engineering, recently received the NASA Langley Research Center’s prestigious Henry J. E. Reid Award as the second-place winner in 2018 for his journal article on hypersonic reentry. The Reid Award is NASA Langley’s top award recognizing technical excellence in research publications. Nicolas Ali Libre, Assistant Teaching Professor of Structural Engineering, was awarded the 2018 Focus on Teaching and Technology Conference (FTTC) Teaching with Technology Award in recognition of his innovative approaches to using technology to promote student engagement, exceptional learning opportunities and a climate of high academic standards.
College of Arts, Sciences, and Business https://casb.mst.edu/research/fyre/ First Year Research Experience (FYRE) pairs faculty mentors with first year students in an apprentice-style research partnership. Specifically, this program encourages faculty to work one-on-one with motivated students to teach them the basics of discipline-based research. The students benefit from this apprenticeship and, ideally, are inspired to go on to do more advanced research. At the same time, the faculty members benefit from successful collaborations with the student. Research pairs are formed during the fall semester, and the research itself is conducted during the spring semester. Each April, all FYRE students participate in ST&’s Undergraduate Research Conference, where they can showcase what they’ve accomplished. Faculty mentors receive $500 in professional development funds, and FYRE students, upon a satisfactory review, receive a $500 stipend. 35 teams in 2018-19, with all 11 CASB departments participating 2017-18 had 18 teams with 6 CASB departments participating 2016-17 had 9 teams with 6 CASB departments participating
OFFICE OF ACADEMIC SUPPORT Student Success Center – Minors in Motions – Harry Potter Themed Freshman can reconnect with their opening week team at the Miner School of Witchcraft & Wizardry. October 18th in the Havener Center 1st session 3:45-5:00pm 2nd session 5:00-6:00pm Library – New Hours – Open 24/7 24 hour access began September 10th I.D. card access required for students, faculty and staff There are two campus security officers monitoring the Library during afterhours Service Learning Symposium was a Success! Faculty from UMKC, MS&T, S&T Students and our Community Partners talked about the importance of academic service learning. We also had sessions on “Introduction to Service Learning” and “How to Add Service Learning to Your Course”. Undergraduate Research Day at the Capitol Nominations due December 7, 2018
Office of Sponsored Programs Summary of FY19 activities year-to-date (August) Number of funded proposals is down by 36% for a total of 54 Total dollars is $7.2M which is down by 26% Number of new proposals submitted up by 27% for a total of 74 Total dollars is $25.1M which is up by 27% Total expenditures is $7M which is down by 36% Net grant and contract expenditures is $10.6M which is up by 45% F&A recovered is $1.6M which is down by 1%
Enrollment Management Fall 2018 total enrollment is 8,607 students , a decrease of 3.1% from Fall 2017. The Fall 2018 Freshman Class is 1,428 students, a decrease of 3.6%. Undergraduate enrollment is 6,848, a decrease of 1.0%. Graduate student enrollment is 1,759, a decrease of 10.4%. Academic quality for freshmen has been maintained 28.2 average ACT, 3.83 average high school GPA. Minority numbers have increased, as has the percentage of students enrolled in CASB majors. Enrollment of women is equal to last fall. First to second year retention is 83.3%, up from 81% last year Upcoming Events Open House – Saturday, November 10 Discover Days – October 22, 29; November 5, 12
Office of Graduate Studies Enrollment update (Census): 1,759 total grad students (1,964 FS17 census; 1,929 FS16 census) 698 Doctoral (689 FS17; 624 FS16) 1,061 Master’s (1,275 FS17; 1,305 FS16) MS ON-Campus: 363 (514 FS17; 578 FS16) MS OFF-Campus: 698 (761 FS17; 727 FS16) - Degrees awarded SS 2018: Certificates: 27 Master’s: 51 Doctoral: 24 TOTAL: 102 Guide to Grad School? - Oct 23-25, 12pm, 305 Norwood Hall Open to S&T UG students interested in learning more about grad school (at S&T or elsewhere) Hosting and co-hosting ~25 student workshops this fall on writing, networking, professional development, and more. Full list: grad.mst.edu/events Fall 2018 Recruiting: Attending 25+ graduate fairs; initiating 30+ school visits (classroom presentations, faculty meetings, career centers, etc.)