INTRO TO ECOLOGY pp. 359-365
Ecology means "study of homes" study the relationships of animals, plants, and their environment (interdependence) A small change can affect the whole ecosystem Ecology Defined
Interdependence Organisms rely on interactions with their environment for survival (living and non- living things) Changing one part of the environment effects all things it is connected to
Levels of Organization
Levels of Organization Levels that expand or narrow to what is included in the environment: Biosphere – portion of the earth & atmosphere supporting life
Levels of Organization Levels that expand or narrow the what is included in the environment: Ecosystem – all the living & non-living things in a particular environment
Levels of Organization Levels that expand or narrow the what is included in the environment: Community: all the living things in an area
Levels of Organization Levels that expand or narrow the what is included in the environment: Population: all the same species living in the same area.
Levels of Organization Levels that expand or narrow the what is included in the environment: Simplest level: Organism – a living individual in the area
Biosphere Ecosystem Community Population Organism osystems/
Ecosystem Components Biotic Factors: living parts Habitat: the place where an organism lives Biotic Factors: living parts of an environment Abiotic Factors: non-living parts of an environment (physical & chemical)
Dealing with the Ecosystem Tolerance Curve: a graph showing the range of conditions an organism can survive Outside the curve performance decreases drastically. Conditions can include temp, pH, salinity, etc.
Dealing with the Ecosystem Acclimation: the ability for some organisms to adjust their tolerance levels Ex/ At high altitudes our bodies can adjust to lower oxygen levels
Dealing with the Ecosystem Control of Internal Conditions (2 ways) Conformer: organisms that do not control their internal conditions they conform to the environment – cold blooded Regulator: organisms that control their internal conditions (regulate despite the environment – warm blooded)
Dealing with the Ecosystem Escaping Unsuitable Conditions Dormancy: hide and reduce activity for the duration of the conditions (ex/ bear hibernates for the winter) Migration: relocate away from the conditions. (ex/ birds fly south for the winter)
Niche/Habitat Niche - the job of an organism (usually based on what they eat) Generalist: broad niche with a wide tolerance curve Able to use a variety of resources. Ex/Rats Specialists: narrow niche with small tolerance curve Uses specific resources. Ex/ Koala