Oakwood Presbyterian Church Feasibility Study 10/02/2012Copyright Hoffman Architecture The Trellis and the Vine Oakwood Presbyterian Church
Oakwood Presbyterian Church Feasibility Study Oakwood Presbyterian Church Copyright Hoffman Architecture /20/20122 I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in Me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from Me you can do nothing… If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you. By this My Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit and so prove to be My disciples. John 15:4-8
Oakwood Presbyterian Church Feasibility Study Oakwood Presbyterian Church Copyright Hoffman Architecture /20/20123 The Trellis and the Vine
Oakwood Presbyterian Church Feasibility Study Oakwood Presbyterian Church Copyright Hoffman Architecture /20/20124
Oakwood Presbyterian Church Feasibility Study Oakwood Presbyterian Church Copyright Hoffman Architecture /20/20125
Oakwood Presbyterian Church Feasibility Study Oakwood Presbyterian Church Copyright Hoffman Architecture /20/20126
Oakwood Presbyterian Church Feasibility Study 10/02/2012Copyright Hoffman Architecture Facility Assessment Team Presentation
Oakwood Presbyterian Church Feasibility Study Existing Conditions Assessment Copyright Hoffman Architecture /20/2012 Existing Conditions Assessment Oakwood Presbyterian Churchs growing congregation has led to the need for expansion of their current facilities. Through observation and communication with church representatives the following conclusions were made pertaining to the buildings ability to comfortably function as a church and a community center. Insufficient classrooms Current classrooms are in shared or leased spaces Lack of appropriately sized large gathering space (Fellowship Hall) Current Fellowship Hall is underutilized because of space limitations Outdated, undersized nursery Sanctuary does not accommodate expansion Outdated lighting in Sanctuary Offices are located in leased space Kitchen is out of date Lack of indoor multi-use space Undersized restroom facilities Limited storage Refer to pp (Appendix – Reese Engineering MPE Study) for evaluation of existing MPE systems. 8
Oakwood Presbyterian Church Feasibility Study 11/20/2012Copyright Hoffman Architecture 2012 Site Plan – Option A 9
Oakwood Presbyterian Church Feasibility Study Program Copyright Hoffman Architecture /20/2012 ExistingNew Target Sanctuary 3050 SF5000 SF Fellowship Hall **2090 SF2500 SF Lobby 650 SF Nursery 735 SF1000 SF Multi-Use Room NA4700 SF Classrooms ** SF Office Suite NA800 SF Kitchen SF Facility Support NA200 SF Storage SF Restrooms SF 10 Program The target program was developed around a wish list given to Hoffman Architecture by representatives from Oakwood Presbyterian Church. The space requirements outlined here were used as a guideline for space planning. Ultimately, the actual sizes of designed spaces vary based on final design requirements and space limitations. Further development of the program will happen at a later date as part of the next phase in the design process. Ancillary or utility spaces will be part of the further developed program. **The current fellowship hall also functions as a Sunday School classroom suite. It is the intent of the new program to provide separate spaces (if possible) for these functions.
Oakwood Presbyterian Church Feasibility Study 10/02/2012Copyright Hoffman Architecture The First Design
Oakwood Presbyterian Church Feasibility Study Conceptual Plans – Option A Copyright Hoffman Architecture /20/2012 First Design Enlarged lobby/gathering space Coat storage Gallery corridor & coffee bar New & expanded restrooms New classrooms, kitchen & nursery 12 total classrooms (without utilizing sanctuary or multi-purpose room) Office suite Expansion of Sanctuary Increase natural filtered light in sanctuary Update audio and tech support throughout building Updates to stage area including ramp, storage, and a feature screen wall Multi-use space will accommodate people Full recreational courts Convert fellowship hall to 7 permanent classrooms Three classrooms combine to serve as larger meeting space people 12
Oakwood Presbyterian Church Feasibility Study 11/20/2012Copyright Hoffman Architecture 2012 Gathering Space 13 The new gathering space will have an ample glass/window wall to allow for plenty of natural light and views to adjacent green spaces. Amenities could include a coffee bar, lounge seating and coat storage.
Oakwood Presbyterian Church Feasibility Study 11/20/2012Copyright Hoffman Architecture 2012 Exterior/Massing 14 The multi-use addition is located in the back of the site and could be flanked by a screen wall to hide mechanical equipment. New entries can take architectural cues from the sloped roofs of the sanctuary. Further study of the exterior will include material selection/options, windows and entrance investigation, canopies, roof options and additional detailing.
Oakwood Presbyterian Church Feasibility Study Conceptual Plans – Option A Copyright Hoffman Architecture /20/2012 First Design Enlarged lobby/gathering space Coat storage Gallery corridor & coffee bar New & expanded restrooms New classrooms, kitchen & nursery 12 total classrooms (without utilizing sanctuary or multi-purpose room) Office suite Expansion of Sanctuary Increase natural filtered light in sanctuary Update audio and tech support throughout building Updates to stage area including ramp, storage, and a feature screen wall Multi-use space will accommodate people Full recreational courts Convert fellowship hall to 7 permanent classrooms Three classrooms combine to serve as larger meeting space people 15
Oakwood Presbyterian Church Feasibility Study 10/02/2012Copyright Hoffman Architecture The Second Design
Oakwood Presbyterian Church Feasibility Study Conceptual Plans – Option B Copyright Hoffman Architecture /20/ Second Design Enlarged lobby/gathering space Coat storage Gallery corridor & coffee bar New & expanded restrooms New classrooms, kitchen & nursery 11 total classrooms (without utilizing sanctuary or multi-purpose space) Office suite Expansion of Sanctuary Increase natural filtered light in sanctuary Updates to stage area including ramp, storage, and a feature screen wall Multi-use space will accommodate people Full recreational courts Convert fellowship hall to 5 permanent classrooms Three classrooms combine to serve as larger meeting space people
Oakwood Presbyterian Church Feasibility Study 11/20/2012Copyright Hoffman Architecture 2012 Gathering Space 18 The aesthetic of the Fellowship Hall/Multi-Use space will be tailored for social functions. Layered ceilings with pockets for athletic equipment and ample natural light will reinforce a comfortable, and relaxing atmosphere.
Oakwood Presbyterian Church Feasibility Study Conceptual Plans – Option B Copyright Hoffman Architecture /20/ Second Design Enlarged lobby/gathering space Coat storage Gallery corridor & coffee bar New & expanded restrooms New classrooms, kitchen & nursery 11 total classrooms (without utilizing sanctuary or multi-purpose space) Office suite Expansion of Sanctuary Increase natural filtered light in sanctuary Updates to stage area including ramp, storage, and a feature screen wall Multi-use space will accommodate people Full recreational courts Convert fellowship hall to 5 permanent classrooms Three classrooms combine to serve as larger meeting space people
Oakwood Presbyterian Church Feasibility Study 10/02/2012Copyright Hoffman Architecture Phasing- The Next Step
Oakwood Presbyterian Church Feasibility Study Conceptual Plans – Option A Copyright Hoffman Architecture /20/2012 First Phasing Plan Enlarged lobby/gathering space Coat storage Coffee bar Gallery corridor New womens restrooms Existing womens restroom converted to a mens restroom 7 new classrooms 1 classroom is a future lobby space for the multi-use room 12 total classrooms (without utilizing sanctuary) Office suite 21
Oakwood Presbyterian Church Feasibility Study Conceptual Plans – Option B Copyright Hoffman Architecture /20/ Second Phasing Plan New restrooms New multi-use room/kitchen/storage Space fellowship space will accommodate people Full basketball and volleyball courts Additional Sunday school space in the multi-purpose room New lobby/classroom for the multi-use room Office suite moves into kitchen or current nursery
Oakwood Presbyterian Church Feasibility Study Conceptual Plans – Option B Copyright Hoffman Architecture /20/2012 Phase 1 Option B Enlarged lobby/gathering space Coat storage Coffee bar Gallery corridor 4 New classrooms New restrooms New multi-use room/kitchen/storage Full basketball and volleyball courts Space will accommodate people New lobby/classroom for the multi-use room 12 total classrooms available without using multi-use Office suite moves into kitchen or current nursery 23
Oakwood Presbyterian Church Feasibility Study Conceptual Plans – Option B Copyright Hoffman Architecture /20/2012 Phase 2 Option B 5 new classrooms Panel-wall partitions allow for large group meeting rooms to accommodate 25 to 65 people depending on configuration. Expanded nursery with infant room, private bathroom and kitchenette. Office suite with receptionist, kitchenette clerks office, and pastors office Family restroom adjacent to sanctuary Direct corridor connection to restroom facilities. 14 total classrooms available without using multi-use Expanded entry and reconfigured patio Allows for more direct connection between office and sanctuary. 24
Oakwood Presbyterian Church Feasibility Study Conceptual Plans – Option B Copyright Hoffman Architecture /20/2012 Phase 3 Option B Renovate existing sanctuary Update finishes Update lighting Expand seating into existing enclosed space. Expand seating into side areas Improve circulation Audio/video improvements Increased storage Stage is accessible to handicapped persons via ramp Stage will be reconfigured to accommodate all functions 25
Oakwood Presbyterian Church Feasibility Study Conceptual Plans – Option B Copyright Hoffman Architecture /20/ Second Phasing Plan New restrooms New multi-use room/kitchen/storage Space fellowship space will accommodate people Full basketball and volleyball courts Additional Sunday school space in the multi-purpose room New lobby/classroom for the multi-use room Office suite moves into kitchen or current nursery
Oakwood Presbyterian Church Feasibility Study 11/20/2012Copyright Hoffman Architecture 2012 Gathering Space 27 The aesthetic of the Fellowship Hall/Multi-Use space will be tailored for social functions. Layered ceilings with pockets for athletic equipment and ample natural light will reinforce a comfortable, and relaxing atmosphere. Questions?