PTP: Sidebar Greatest inventions ever (according to Telescope Computer TV Automobile Use of electricity Telephone Antibiotics Printing press Mechanical clock Toilet 4
What does this have to do with chapter 4? Intellectual Property 4
LESSON 4-1 Social Responsibility Goals Describe social responsibility issues. Identify benefits and costs of social responsibility. Explain the purpose of a code of ethics. 4
Social Responsibility Duty of a business to contribute to the well-being of a community.
Key Question What are the major social responsibility issues? 4
SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY ISSUES What are the key social responsibility issues? Employee wellness Environmental protection Workplace diversity Job Safety We will add some other business issues. 4
SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY ISSUES Environmental protection Conservation of non-renewable resources EPA— What does this stand for? Sets standards Monitors many environmental data Work with business to make environment better. Example: Oil spill, waste dumping 4
Social Issues Workplace diversity Interview questions you can’t ask: Are you a US citizen? What is your native language? What religion do you practice? How old are you? Workforce should reflect the community. 4
SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY ISSUES Workplace diversity Age discrimination in employment act Remove employment barriers (Americans with Disabilities Act) Remove bias against older workers. 4
SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY ISSUES Job safety Remove accidents risks Protection from fire and other hazards OSHA— Occupational Safety and Health Administration Sets and monitors safety standards Employee wellness “Healthy workforce is a productive workforce” 4
Example of OSHA at work The corporate owner of a paper mill in the Versailles section of Sprague has paid $198,125 to settle a case concerning safety violations. Cascades Boxboard Group paid the fine to close the case brought by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration in January 2009. OSHA, claiming 52 violations, had originally proposed a $320,500 fine 4
SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY ISSUES Employee wellness Programs to promote good health WDM schools has a health and wellness coordinator Absenteeism cost $75-100 billion 4
Clip 2—Crossing the Line 4
Clip 3: What is acceptable? 4
Clip 4: 4
>> C H E C K P O I N T What are four areas of social responsibility that may require the attention of business?
SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY EVALUATION Benefits Expanded justice for groups of a society Enhanced company image Reduced need for government actions Improved quality of life in a community and around the world Increased awareness of social issues among workers, consumers, and others 4
SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY EVALUATION (continued) Costs New nonpolluting or safer equipment Building repairs to remove risks Wellness and rehabilitation programs Social projects sponsored by a company 4
Point to Ponder Should CEO’s be held to higher standards than “regular” employees both on the job and in their personal lives? CNN Video When you think ethics, what comes to mind? 4
>> C H E C K P O I N T Can you answer the following? What are the four main areas of social responsibility? What government agency monitors workplace safety? What is 1 benefit and 1 cost of being socially responsible? 4
BUSINESS ETHICS Ethics—Principles of morality or rules of conduct Business Ethics=rules about how business and their employees ought to behave. Code of ethics Set of rules for guiding the actions of employees (Acceptable behavior) Microsoft What behavior is acceptable? 4
Big topic? A search for “pro sports” code of conduct found 276,000 sites “Code of ethics” in google found 7.6 million “Code of ethics” OR “Code of conduct” found 19 million sites. Character counts 4
BUSINESS ETHICS Ethical conduct guidelines Determined by top management Set up educational programs 3 questions to ask (When determining if something is unethical): Is the action legal? Does the action violate professional or company standards? Who is affected by the action and how? 4
>> C H E C K P O I N T What is the purpose of a code of ethics? Outline what all employees are expected to do. Phrase them in what they are expected to do What happens to the employee who has violated the code of ethics? Terminated, given a warning? 4
LESSON 4-2 Government Protection Activities Goals Identify the roles and levels of government. Explain government protection activities. Describe types of intellectual property. 4
Key Terms contract patent copyright trademark 4
GOVERNMENT IN SOCIETY Roles of government (continued) Providing services for members of society Protecting citizens, consumers, businesses, and workers Regulating utilities and promoting competition Providing information and support to businesses Buying goods and services Hiring public employees Raising revenue 4
FEDERAL GOVERNMENT Oversees the activities that involve two or more states or other countries. Regulates foreign and interstate commerce 4
STATE GOVERNMENTS Regulate business actions within their own borders Assign some of their legislative power to local governments 4
LOCAL GOVERNMENTS Include county boards and city or town councils Provide services needed for an orderly society, such as police and fire protection 4
>> C H E C K P O I N T What are the three levels of government? 4
GOVERNMENT PROTECTION ACTIVITIES Worker protection Contract enforcement Agreement to exchange goods or services for something of value. Written or verbal Contract basics: Agreement Competent parties Something of value exchanged Legality 4
>> C H E C K P O I N T What are the main elements of a contract? 4
PROTECTION OF INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY Patents Inventor the right to make, use or sell the item for 17 years. Copyrights Protects the creative work of authors, composers and artists. (life + 50 years) Trademarks Word, letter or symbol linked with a company US Patent and Trademark office 4
Importance of a good logo 4
Now, your turn Look up and see if there are any patents you would need to worry about for your business idea project—report that on a slide in your powerpoint. In the search box, put in keywords that relate to your product. Product type Technology used in the product Materials used in the product Create your own logo and slogan for your business and add those as a slide. 4
Now, your turn Create your own logo and slogan for your business and add those as a slide. Examples: McDonalds—”I’m Lovin It” Add these items to your Business Idea Slideshow. 4
>> C H E C K P O I N T What are three types of intellectual property? 4
LESSON 4-3 Government Regulation and Assistance Goals Explain actions by government to regulate business. Discuss efforts of government to assist businesses. Identify methods used by government to raise money. 4
Key Terms public utility monopoly antitrust laws revenue 4
REGULATORY ACTIVITIES Regulation of utilities Why we are a mixed market. Supplies a vital service to all people What would it look like if there were multiple providers? Prevent unfair business practices Monopoly-business has control of the market for a product or service. Antitrust Laws 4
>> C H E C K P O I N T Why does government regulate utilities? 4
Government as a Business 4
GOVERNMENT ASSISTS BUSINESS Government buys goods and services 20% of all goods and services produced in the US Government employs workers Single largest employer 4
>> C H E C K P O I N T How does government assist business? 4
GOVERNMENT RAISES MONEY Taxes Income Largest source of revenue Property tax Based on the value of buildings and land. Pays for schools, police, parks Borrowing Sells bonds “Full faith and credit” of the government. Least risky of all debt 4