Setting the Scene Karin Zaunberger DG ENV B2 Consultation/Interest Group on Biodiversity and Climate Change 1st meeting - 26/11/08 Setting the Scene Karin Zaunberger DG ENV B2
Content Rationale Draft Mandate General issues Climate change-biodiversity nexus Draft Mandate Output Tasks Vision General issues Collaboration Roadmap
Biodiversity decline and climate change: two sides of the same coin ADAPTATION (alternative species composition delivering required services) HUMAN ACTION CLIMATE CHANGE (-) (-) HUMAN WELL-BEING ECONOMIC & SOCIAL IMPACTS BIODIVERSITY OTHER DRIVERS -habitat destruction IAS fragmentation (-) (+) (+) (+) MITIGATION (carbon sequestration, water retention, biomass production) ECOSYSTEM SERVICES
Some facts Positive feedbacks from ecosystems to the climate system are significant They are not incorporated in the current climate models, because of the high uncertainties But there is general agreement that the main feedbacks will be through increase in soil respiration under increased temperature (e.g. in the arctic potential to add 200 ppm by 2100) Peatlands are also not explicitly included in global climate models and therefore predictions of future climate change may be underestimates
therefore It is impossible to solve biodiversity loss without addressing climate change It is equally impossible to solve climate change without addressing biodiversity and related ecosystem services
Global CO2 Budgeting 2000-2006 ~7.6 ~1.5 ~4.1 ~2.8 ~2.2 Source fossil fuel emissions ~7.6 Source ~1.5 deforestation CO2 flux (Pg y-1) atmospheric CO2 ~4.1 Sink land ~2.8 ocean ~2.2 Time (y) Le Quéré, unpublished; Canadell et al. 2007, PNAS
What is at stake ? Climate change aggravates increasingly threats such as pollution, habitat loss and fragmentation Climate change impacts on nature conservation, e.g. Natura 2000 Long-term ability of ecosystems to regulate climate compromised by continuing loss of biodiversity
What can we do ? Identify and implement measures to help nature to adapt Valorise Natura 2000 Promote the potential of « co-benefit approaches » Toyako Declaration Poznan Council Conclusion Integrate biodiversity aspects in climate change policy and negotiations
Draft mandate - OUTPUT Strategy paper on biodiversity and climate change with a view to frame biodiversity and climate change policy for post 2010 including issues of Natura 2000 (N2K) and ecological connectivity and the role of biodiversity and ecosystem services with regards to combating climate change Fall 2009
Draft mandate - TASKS (A) Taking stock Climate change impacts on Biodiversity in the EU in general The achievement of the 2010 target The N2K network and the species and habitats covered by the network Impact of climate change adaptation and mitigation measures – best practice Examples for climate change measures for nature conservation
Draft mandate - TASKS (B) Moving ahead Measures for biodiversity Enhancing connectivity, promotion of green infrastructure, adapted management of N2K sites, operational and policy responses Assess adaptation/mitigation potential, suggest measures to increase ecosystem resilience Analyse conflicts arising from climate change measures and suggest solutions
Draft mandate – VISION (1) Gather examples for « co-benefits » Activities for conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity, which contribute to combating climate change Maintenance/restoration of wetlands, floodplains, forests Greening of the cities Etc.. Activities in other sectors, which contribute to conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity Agri-environmental measures Sustainable forestry, fishery Ecotourism Etc
Draft mandate – VISION (2) Explore future prospects acknowledging the climate change- biodiversity nexus Identify and promote synergy measures in different sectors Encourage uptake of biodiversity and ecosystem aspects in climate change negotiations in particular the potential of co-benefits Encouraging ongoing discussion: REDD, Global Forest Carbon Mechanism (GFCM) Toyako Declaration including need for co-benefits What about a ”Global Ecosystem Carbon Mechanism”, with GFCM as pilot ?
Collaboration Avoid duplication, concentrate on added value Other Groups CBD AHTEG Expert Group on Biodiversity and Climate Change under the Bern Convention Relevant expert groups under UNFCCC … Experiences on national level Other Stakeholders, Researchers
We are not starting from scratch Taking stock Climate change impacts on Biodiversity in the EU in general - EEA report, ALARM The achievement of the 2010 target - BAP report The N2K network and the species and habitats covered by the network - draft report contractor Impact of climate change adaptation and mitigation measures – best practice - MACIS report Examples for climate change measures for nature conservation - YOUR INPUT
Other general issues Your motivation, investment and commitment are essential for the success of this group 3-4 meetings per year Work to be done between the meetings CIRCA site for exchange of information
Roadmap year 1 Today: agree on mandate, exchange experience, establish drafting group Drafting group develops draft skeleton, group members provide input A February 2009: main discussion focus on taking stock, agree on draft skeleton for the strategy paper Drafting group incorporates taking stock (A), group members provide input B April 2009: main discussion focus on moving ahead, results of taking stock incorporated in draft strategy paper Drafting group incorporates moving ahead (B), draft distributed before the meeting July 2009: discussion on draft strategy paper and vision Drafting group further elaborates the strategy paper October 2009: finalise draft strategy paper, possible input to “high level conference on biodiversity and climate change” autumn 2009 according to the Triple Presidency (FR-CZ-SE) programme
Next Steps Establish drafting group Date for the next meeting