2018 Mt. Hebron High School AP Registration in Naviance Submit registration and money by March 29th to avoid late fees! Access Naviance from your HCPSS.me account. Students (not parents) must log in to Naviance using their own username (student id – found on schedule or report card) and school password.
Naviance Homepage Once logged in, you will see AP Registration Information on the homepage. Please read everything before moving on to the registration form.
On the Naviance homepage, click the ‘About Me’ tab to find the “2018 AP Exam Registration and Fee Waiver Request Form” on the left. Click that link. 2018
Read the information at the top regarding deadlines, late fees and fee waivers (if applicable). Answer all required questions, print, sign and return to school with payment before the deadline. 2018
Choose your AP Exams! Mark the exams you plan to take. Check that you have indicated the correct course as some are similar: English LANGUAGE & Composition English LITERATURE & Composition Calculus AB Calculus BC
Save and Finish? When you mark the number of exams you selected, the amount you should pay is indicated. Complete the rest of the form. At the bottom you can click either: Save and return later OR Save and I am finished Important: If you click “save and I am finished,” you will not be able to make any changes to the registration form.
After completing the survey and clicking ‘Save and I am finished’, click on ‘survey history’ on the left side of the page. (There may be more than one survey on your screen.) Choose ‘2018 AP Exam Registration and Fee Waiver Request’
Your survey responses should appear on this page Your survey responses should appear on this page. Depending on whether you are using a Mac or PC : Go to File Print Preview OR open the menu at top right of screen and select Print.
The Print Preview format will probably default to Portrait format, but please switch it to Landscape before printing. Print a copy of this form and have your parent sign in all indicated spaces.
Questions. Contact Dr. Kiehl and Ms Questions? Contact Dr. Kiehl and Ms. Comberiate, AP Coordinators, at mkiehl@hcpss.org and acomberiate@hcpss.org , or call 410-313-2880. Submit the signed copy to Student Services with your payment (make check payable to MHHS) or record the Online School Payment confirmation on the survey. Reminder of important dates: Regular Registration: March 1st through March 29th. Checks must be received by 2:30pm on the 29th and online payments by 11:59pm. Exams are $94 each. There will be no registration during spring break. If students register during spring break, the registration will be considered late, and processed during the late registration period. Late registration will begin after spring break and close April 13th. The date is not specified, as we do not know if there will be inclement weather make-up days used during spring break. Whenever students return, registration will re-open for the late registration window. All registrations submitted during the late registration window will incur a $55/per test late fee. Registration closes at 2:30pm on Friday, April 13th. If a student chooses to cancel a test during the registration window, they can receive a full refund. After April 13th, the refund is $70 per exam through April 20th. This includes fees from College Board and the school system. After April 20th, there will be no refunds issued.