Parents Open Afternoon September 2010 Welcome to All Saints Bedworth Thank you for choosing our school and working in partnership with us in your child’s education Parents Open Afternoon September 2010 Open Evening June 2017
Teaching Team The staff working with Reception are: Mrs Payne Miss Sargent We’d like you to meet some other adults if you don’t already know them… Our Headteacher Mrs Keeling Our Assistant Head Mrs Gilbert Explain Job share and roles
Communication We have an open door policy- please talk to us if you have an issue. If you need to speak to us, one of the Reception team is available at the beginning or at the end of the day when all children have been dismissed. If you require more time to discuss an issue please arrange an appointment with the teachers or a senior member of staff. Please ensure the front office has your most current address and phone number. If you change your mobile number let us know immediately so that we are able to contact you in the case of an emergency. Newsletters will be sent home regularly to keep you up to date with school news. During each term we offer all parents the opportunity to come to Pupil Progress meetings to discuss how your child is progressing. Learning journals and frequency of parent consultations
Attendance & Punctuality The Reception classroom is open from 8.45am each morning. Reception children and their parents are welcome from that time, you enter the classroom through the front doors. The last bell is rung at 8.55am. Any child arriving after this time is marked late. Please ensure your child arrives on time to avoid upsetting them. School ends at 3pm and children are collected from the front entrance door once they have settled. If your child is unable to attend school due to illness, please ring the school office. If you don’t contact school, we will contact you. If your child has an upset tummy they will not be allowed into school until 48hrs after the last episode If your child has an appointment could you please let us know the details so the attendance can be authorised. Schools are no longer able to authorise holidays within term time. Explain three bells
Your child’s introduction to Reception class Please visit with your child on one of the following sessions- 11.30am Thursday 29th June 2.30pm Thursday 29th 11.30am Monday 3rd July 2.30pm Monday 3rd July Thursday 6th July – induction day. All Children to come to Nursery at 9.15 am and collected from Reception class at 11.30 a.m. Sign up form
Settling In Home visits will take place on Tuesday 5th September for children new to our school. Wednesday 6th September- All children will start together 8.45am to 12noon. Tuesday12th September- children will stay for their lunch so will attend from 8.45am to 1.15pm. Friday 15th September- children will stay all day from 8.45am to 3.00pm Lunch is eaten in the dining room. Nursery and Reception classes will be in first and Teachers/TA’s will support them. This process can be adjusted to suit your child if necessary.
We teach through the EYFS curriculum and this… Recognises the importance of play Gives flexibility to plan for interests Encourages parents and practitioners to work together provides an indoor & outdoor learning environment Has seven areas of learning (which we will explain in more detail when discussing your child’s progress during the year, if you would like to know more please ask)
How your child learns in our Reception class Children are taught as a whole class, in small groups or individually, they also have opportunities to learn from each other. The children have a balance of free choice and teacher directed activities
Reading Phonics based approach – letter sounds not names, blending of sounds to read e.g. c-a-t cat Your child will be given phonic work to practise at home, this will be their initial reading homework. Early in the first term we will hold a reading meeting and soon after that, as your child becomes ready they will be given their first reading book. Please support their learning by sharing these books regularly at home. Please remember to use lower case letters when writing with children Vitally important to attend reading meeting
Free School Meals New Government Legislation means that from Sept 2014, all Reception and KS1 children are entitled to a free school meal. Parents can still opt to provide their child with a healthy packed lunch if they wish to do so. Schools receive additional funding based on the number of children whose families receive benefits. This is a valuable asset for schools that improves provision. We will gather information from parents for this purpose and your support will be greatly appreciated as it benefits your children. Examples of menu in pack Lunch box with food in for example- not too much, we will send home anything they don’t eat
School uniform Please ensure your child is always dressed for school in the appropriate school uniform (see handbook). Could you also ensure that all uniform and belongings are labelled with your child’s name. Jewellery (apart from small stud earrings) must not be worn. Children with long hair should wear it tied back. For PE your child will need a pair of black shorts and a white T-shirt, no pumps are needed until the end of the year. Tell parents about vouchers Uniform examples- dress, trousers, explain sweatshirts/cardigans PE kit in bag
Other points Children are provided with free fruit daily. Free milk until their 5th birthday- see note. Water is freely available in the classroom all day. Birthday celebrations- children are welcome to bring in cakes or sweets to share with their friends. (sweets are generally not allowed in school) TOYS are only allowed in school by prior arrangement, e.g. for class topics. Before and after school club- ask for details. Bring a water bottle
Information Pack School handbook Data collection sheet- please check details and return to us today making sure you include any allergies and medical issues. School handbook Booklet of ideas to help prepare your child for their Reception class Collection permission sheet Photo consent form Menu to give you an idea of hot school dinners.
Finally… Many thanks for coming, are there any questions? We would now like to invite you to come and visit our Reception classroom.