Tutorial by Matt Hurst
Click Here
Fill out the information.
This is your Dashboard (home). The orange tab indicates your location. Click the “Users” tab to add users, such as students and/or other teachers. This is your Dashboard (home). The orange tab indicates your location. This is where you would click to set up multiple classes (This will be explained later.)
Click “Add Users to this Class” to add users. Now we are at the “Users” page. Remember: The orange tab indicates your location. Click “Add Users to this Class” to add users.
Fill out the information. Click “Add User”
Click here to adjust your settings. This is an example class. You can see how many posts and comments each student has submitted.
When you’re finished adjusting your settings, click here to see what students will see. (Students don’t have a Dashboard.) Adjust your settings. I suggest checking the box next to “Teacher must approve posts / comments before they appear”.
This is your location (White Tab). This is where all the new posts will be listed. This is a list of all the bloggers in the class.
Rembember: Students will see the “all blogs” screen when they log in Rembember: Students will see the “all blogs” screen when they log in. Tell them to click the “New Post” tab to begin blogging.
Add title here. Type here. Bloggers can click “Save as Draft” if they are not ready to publish (not finished). Bloggers click “Publish” when they are ready to publish (send the post to the teacher’s dashboard for approval).
Bloggers can add pictures, video, audio, PowerPoint, etc. Full screen mode. The spell checker is a great tool.
Click here to return to your Dashboard.
Click here if you want to create a new class (for teachers with multiple classes).
Name your class. Click “Add Class”.
This is what the Dashboard looks like after you have posts and comments. Click the orange “Pending” under Posts or “Waiting” under Comments to approve posts or comments.
Kidblog.org/yourusername Don’t forget to write down your web address so that students know how to access the blog or post the link to your website. Example web address: Kidblog.org/yourusername
This is what the log-in screen for your class will look like when students go to your web address. A great feature is that the users can select their name from a drop-down list. Happy Blogging!