The Compromise of 1850 Objectives: By the end of this lesson you will be able to Understand how the Compromise of 1850 tried to solve disputes over slavery. Describe how the Fugitive Slave Act caused more controversy between the North and South.
Tasks We will take notes over the compromise of 1850 PowerPoint and Textbook pp. 476- 482 “the Debate over Slavery” On Flash Cards, we will write the definitions of the Key Terms for this section
Why another compromise? 1) California wanted to become a FREE state
2) The U.S. gained new territory from a war with Mexico
3) Without Balance in Senate, the South might secede (leave the Union)
What was the Compromise of 1850? P. 479 There were 5 parts 1) CA was admitted to the Union as a FREE state
2) Popular Sovereignty would decide slavery issue in New Mexico & Utah
Popular Sovereignty: p. 476 Definition: People have the power. Issues should be decided by voting. Majority Rule
3) Can’t buy or sell slaves in Washington D. C 3) Can’t buy or sell slaves in Washington D.C. (slavery still legal there)
4) The borders of Texas & New Mexico were fixed
5) The Fugitive Slave Act p. 479 ALL citizens MUST help capture runaway slaves or face jail time & $1000 fine $1000 in 1849 = $30,000 in 2009
How do you think Northerners & Abolitionists felt about the Fugitive Slave Act?
Northerners could not stomach the Fugitive Slave Act They became more and more angry about it.
More and more northerners believed slavery to be evil & wrong
A book helps start the Civil War “So you’re the little lady who started this great war.” A book helps start the Civil War
Uncle Tom’s Cabin p. 481 1852 written by Harriet Beecher Stowe Story of kind, religious slave named Uncle Tom and evil slave owner Simon Legree Northerners grew even more disgusted with slavery
How do you think Southerners felt about Uncle Tom’s Cabin?
The Wilmot Proviso p. 476 An amendment to a bill. The proviso would have outlawed slavery in the new territories acquired from Mexico, including California. The Proviso passed the house, but not the Senate The creation of the Republican Party in 1854 was based on an abolitionist platform that agreed with the Wilmot Proviso. No slavery in any new territories became a Republican ideal, with Wilmot himself emerging as Republican Party leader. The Wilmot Proviso, helped to create the Republican Party
Sectionalism: p. 477 Being loyal to a part of the country instead of the whole country
Free Soil Party Definition- Antislavery Northerners who formed a new party which supported the Wilmot Proviso. “Free-Soilers” were antislavery because they felt slavery was free labor and that it took jobs away from northern whites Candidates: Martin Van Buren and Charles Adams
Quick Review: On a half sheet of paper answer the following questions (use your notes) What was the goal of the Missouri Compromise & Compromise of 1850? Give one reason each why Northerners & Southerners were unhappy with the Compromise of 1850 How did sectionalism help cause the Civil War?
Kansas Nebraska Act
Dred Scott vs. Sanford
John Brown
Post your blog on the Blog Wall Write a 5 sentence response to the following question- Is John Brown a Hero or a Murderer? Post your blog on the Blog Wall
Civil War Triggers What were the main causes of the Civil War?