Outcomes Assessment Committee 2014-15 Monday September 29, 2014 (4 pm) Kulshan 226 Tresha Print copies of instructions - Ashley?
Goals for today Introductions and welcome new members: Hilary Engebretson and Ashley Nichols Review committee charge Review 2013-14 accomplishments Review 2014-15 goals Review 2014-15 workplans and OAC work groups Time to meet in subcommittees Tresha
The outcomes assessment committee …is charged with promoting excellence in teaching and learning at the course, program, and college levels. Specifically, the OAC coordinates and monitors the college, program and course outcomes assessment work as outlined in the College’s assessment plan. provides outcomes assessment resources to faculty and staff provides educational forums to discuss assessment, teaching, and learning td
2013-14 accomplishments AM
Course outcomes accomplishments in 2013-14 96% of fall 2014 courses have approved course outcomes. 100+ back-logged courses’ outcomes approved. of syllabi had course outcomes listed on the first or second page of the syllabus in winter 2014. 80% (30 of 72) of full-time faculty submitted a course outcomes report. 42% AM Teachable moments by design (full session, fall & spring) Making the grade and writing learning outcomes (mini, fall) Using student success data (full session, winter) Work-shops
Program outcomes accomplishments in 2013-14 program outcomes, curriculum maps, and outcomes plans. Refined Listed program outcomes on syllabi (most programs). formally one program outcome (except CIS and cybersecurity). Assessed AM
Core learning ability (CLA) accomplishments in 2013-14 information literacy posters in classrooms and student meeting spaces. Posted information literacy in PIP/DIP disciplines/ programs (except IDS) that had IL mapped. Assessed Refined prof-tech CLA curriculum maps. AM critical thinking for 2014-15; refined definition and selected rubric. Selected CurricUNET for management of curriculum and mapping CLAs and program outcomes and capturing course outcomes. Used
Services outcomes accomplishments in 2013-14 Met individually with many service directors. learning outcomes for some services, including some student services and the library. Identified Submitted SIP reports. AM
2014-15 goals (assessment plan) TD A website: talk about how we create an annual 20 page plan and an annual 20 report
Course outcomes goals for 2014-15 of spring 2015 syllabi will have revised course outcomes listed. 95% 100% of spring 2015 courses will have approved course outcomes. 100% of course outcome backlog will be approved. 100% of full-time instructors and 20% of adjunct instructors will submit a course outcomes report assessing one course outcome. TD ??? Conduct a teachable moments (version 2.0) full workshop and a few mini-sessions though out the year. 100%
Program outcomes goals for 2014-15 100% of program outcomes will be listed on syllabi. of programs will submit a program outcomes report assessing one program outcome. 100% TD
CLA goals for 2014-15 critical thinking posters in classrooms and student meeting spaces. Post List CLAs on at least 80% of syllabi by spring 2015. Select 2015-16 CLA (refine the definition, create rubric). Review IL assessment data from 2013-14 and determine next steps. TD Educate faculty about information literacy. Draft curriculum maps for AST, AAST, ALS degrees and assign CLAs to pre-college courses (ESL, math/ENGL, ABE). Assess information literacy and critical thinking (PIP/DIP cycle).
2014-15 workplans Tresha and Anne Marie OAC member workgroups Ashley am
Tresha’s and AM’s 2014-15 workplan Draft curriculum maps for AST, AAST, ALS degrees & assign CLAs to pre-college courses (ESL, math/ENGL, ABE). those in PIP/DIP cohort with IL or CT report. prof-tech coordinators with program outcomes report. teaching/learning workshops*. approval of course outcomes. with honors program, international courses, co-op and learning contracts on course outcomes. with faculty and chairs about missing syllabi and missing outcomes on syllabi. Assist Assist Conduct am Ask OAC about timing of mini-workshops Finalize Work Follow-up
Tresha’s and AM’s 2014-15 workplan (continued…) Coordinate with curriculum committee (e.g., new courses, program curriculum maps). and implement syllabus generator. reports through CurricUNET. and assist faculty submitting a course outcomes report. services with identifying one learning outcome. (possibly) a services learning outcome workshop. an assessment conference. Finalize Develop Train am Assist Conduct Attend
OAC members workgroups Information literacy (2013-14 CLA) 2015-16 CLA Course outcomes approval Services outcomes td
1. Information literacy (2013-14 CLA) Review assessment data from 2013-14. next steps. discipline-specific teaching, learning and assessment strategies. a plan for educating faculty about IL and, preferably, present at February 2015 professional development day. Implement Research Create TD
2. 2015-16 CLA Select next year’s CLA. and compare AACU definition and rubric with current WCC definition and current rubric. a definition and rubric for approval by OAC by January 2015. discipline-specific teaching, learning, and assessment strategies. Review Propose TD Research
3. Course outcomes approval Continue working on back-logged course outcomes submitted for approval. TD
4. Services outcomes Assist services on campus to identify one learning outcome, where appropriate, to be included in their 2015-16 SIP plan. TD
Ashley’s 2014-15 workplan all syllabi for course outcomes, program outcomes, and CLAs. course and program information into CurricUNET. ... Check Enter etcetera AM (Goal: By spring 2015, ensure at least 95% of syllabi have course outcomes listed, 100% have program outcomes listed, and 80% of syllabi have CLAs listed). CN software to assist the outcomes assessment committee and curriculum committee in managing and tracking outcomes assessment and curriculum processes.
Questions and time to meet in subcommittees TD