Week 8: 10/15-10/19 IB ENGLISH
Warm-up “Space Oddity” in space
Schedule Warm-up: Video Review Poe Calendar STOP BAD FIT packet Poe Themes & Aspects Annotation Directions: Poe Short Stories “The Black Cat” Warm-up Study Questions—required for remediation Poe Biography Video and Notes
Important Dates 10/22—“Black Cat” Quiz 10/24—“Tell-Tale Heart” Quiz 10/26—“Hop Frog” Quiz 10/26—Annotation Check, Black Cat & Tell-Tale Heart 11/1—“House of Usher” Quiz 11/9—“Never Bet” Quiz 11/9—STOP BAD FIT packet due 11/14 & 11/16—Poe Summative Presentations (MUST be present both days) 11/20—Summative Annotations due (60% after 11/27) 11/20—Poe Summative Presentation Reflection
Biography: Edgar Allan Poe Poe Biography Video with guided notes
Ducks Blown off their Feet by Wind Baby Elephant Sneeze and Scares Himself
Impact of Devices: Black Cat “Can Your Genes Make You Murder?” Schedule Warm-up: Video Othello Theme Tracker STOP BAD FIT packet Impact of Devices: Black Cat “Can Your Genes Make You Murder?”
Psychopathic Checklist Need for stimulation/proneness to boredom Parasitic lifestyle (habitually relying on or taking advantage of others) Poor behavior control Lack of realistic long-term goals Impulsivity Juvenile delinquency (habitual criminal behavior as a youth) Early behavior problems Revocation of conditional release (re-offend on probation)
10/16, 10/18 SRI—Reading Inventory Poe Biography Video Romanticism Video Elements of Gothic Fiction Unreliable Narrator