Lower Ip Long Pulse L-mode and H-mode Advanced Scenarios C. Kessel*, A. Hubbard *Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory C-MOD Ideas Forum, December 13-15, 2007
Goals -- 1-2 Run Days Examine lower Ip discharges to obtain higher boostrap current and higher non-inductive current fractions Determine energy confinement in the lower Ip plasmas with ICRF power scan Examine the benefits of longer Ip rampup times to control the q-profile with and without LHCD in the rampup -- density control to maximize effect of LHCD Produce these discharge in both L-mode and H-mode to determine if there are advantages to control the transport regime Extend the pulse lengths to maximize the number of current relaxation times and to allow for development of modulation/control techniques in the advanced scenarios
Low Ip Long Pulse L-mode and H-mode Advanced Scenarios Establish lower Ip ramps at different ramp rates, to 600, 450 and 300 kA -- document q-profile and loop voltage, both with/without LH injection in the ramp standard 800 kA 450 kA, for example Ip PLH PIC 100 250 500 750 1000 Time, ms
Low Ip Long Pulse L-mode and H-mode Scenarios Establish longest pulse length available at lower Ip values, BT values, and with L-mode (low heating) and H-mode (no LH) OH flux swing TF flattop PFC heating Other??? standard 800 kA Ip 450 kA, for example PIC 100 1500 Time, ms
TSC-LSC Simulation of LHCD for Ip = 600 kA H-mode PIC = 3.5 MW, PLH = 2 MW n|| = 2.5 (ILH = 144 kA) 1D Fokker-Planck may under-estimate the LHCD -- compare with CQL3D LH providing good boost to NI current qo close to 1, good hybrid target