Imperialism in other areas Muslin Lands, China, Japan, South Pacific, & United States
Learning objective Analyze imperialism and its effects in Muslin lands, China, Japan, South Pacific and US.
Imperialism in muslim lands Decline of the Ottoman Empire Death of Suleiman I: corruption, declining technological skills, & increase in internal quarrels Rise of Nationalism: further weakening of empire’s internal controls Geopolitics: European interest in Ottoman land Discovery of oil in Persia: Increased motivation for seizing Ottoman territory Crimean War: revealed the weaknesses of the empire which resulted in loss of land Opened the door for European nations to take control of the area. Why? Empire controlled access to the Mediterranean Sea to the Atlantic Ocean sea trade Russia: wanted a warm weather port Britain and France helped Ottomans defeat Russia
Imperialism in southeast asia Plantation Agriculture: Sugar cane, coffee, cocoa, rubber coconuts, bananas & pineapple Impact: migration from other areas to work on plantations so region became a melting pot which resulted in cultural changes & clashes that are still seen today. Phillippines: US won in Spanish-American War McKinley-educate, uplift & Christianize Filipinos Filipinos declared independence; US overcame them US built roads, railroads, hospitals, schools… British major trading port in Singapore French Indochina on the Southeast Asian mainland Germans claimed the Marshall Islands, parts of New Guinea and Solomon Islands US acquired Philippine Islands, Puerto Rico and Guam as a result of the Spanish-American War –Filipinos were not happy being passes from one imperialist country to another one. Built roads and railroads to prepare for self-rule. However led to food shortages in the Filipinos 75% of American sugar plantations accounted for Hawaii’s wealth also gained political power in Hawaii. McKinley tariff Act passes eliminated tariffs on all sugar entering the US, which meant that Hawaii was no longer cheaper than sugar produced elsewhere. This affect the sugar producers profits. President Cleveland Hawaii: US Sugar Plantation $$; wanted to annex Hawaii Queen Liluokalani – wanted reform - overthrown Dole – Pres of Republic of Hawaii – annex 1898
Imperialism in China Opium War between China & Great Britain. Great Britain won. Result: Hong Kong Island (not subject to Chinese law) Taiping Rebellion & similar uprisings. Resulted: China first experience of modernization called Self- Strengthening movement Open door policy: Open to all nations. Results: Protected US Trading rights & China’s freedom from colonization Boxer rebellion: Chinese attacked foreigners in china, were stopped by multinational forces. Result: Nationalism & major reforms were enacted Sun Yat-sen: President of China in 1912 with a goal of nationalism, democracy & livelihood. Strong Nationalism must resist foreign intervention and must be responsive to their needs. Empress sent out Chinese officials to find out how to what changes China needed to make. Everyone came back that China needed to restructure their government They called for reforms. After the Boxer Rebellion
Japanese imperialism Japanese ends isolation through Matthew Perry who sailed into Japanese ports asking for free trade Successful modernization. End of military dictatorship sent delegates to study the “Best of Western Civilization” and adapted it for their own country. Examples include: U.S. system of universal public education, Germany’s constitution, skill of the British navy By 1914, Japan had become one of the world’s leading industrial nations which resulted in empire expansion up until WWII.
Comparison between japan and china Summarize your findings in the chart: Answer China and Japan both emerged from isolation, but China took longer to reform and modernize than Japan did.
Imperialism in south America Goal: US wants to keep European countries out of South America Result: Monroe Doctrine stated that any attempt to colonize South America would be looked at as a danger to the US peace & safety Panama Canal: able to connect east & west. Roosevelt Corollary: extended the Monroe Doctrine: US is now the international police. Political instability Imported European and North American manufactured goods. They had little reason to develop their own manufacturing industries. Spanish-American war – helped Cuba gain their independence. Un-prepared for an attack on both fronts. Used the Roosevelt Corollary many times to intervene in Latin America. How do you think Latin America felt about the extension of the Roosevelt Corollary?