What’s in the World: Local Oktoberfest People dancing at the gazebo and having a great time. By: What’s in the World: Local
Introduction I am presenting the Oktoberfest past, present and traditions. My three main topics are…. Stallo and six other men find the town of Minster in 1832. We are celebrating 40 years of Oktoberfest. We have many traditions that has grown over the years. This is the wooden shoe that is painted on the road every year around Oktoberfest time.
The past of Oktoberfest Francis Joseph Stallo and six other men founded the town of Minster in 1832. But they didn’t start the Oktoberfest until 1975. The Minster Journeyman’s Club and the Minster Service Club began the Oktoberfest. They even had the Miss Oktoberfest back then. These ladies are holding German dresses.
The present of Oktoberfest We are celebrating 40 years of the Oktoberfest. The Oktoberfest is starting on the first weekend of October. Today the Oktoberfest draws over 80,000 people to this Festival. People in the town of Minster believe that the Oktoberfest is not just a tradition, it is a happy time time for people to laugh, smile and bring people together. This is the flag of Minster.
Traditions of Oktoberfest We have many fun traditions at the Oktoberfest. We sing and dance to german music. We eat delicious german food such as pretzels,sauerkraut balls and much more. We also have wonderful parades with bands, floats and candy! You can also participate in games,races,relays and much more. These traditions have been in the Oktoberfest for a very long time. Miss Oktoberfest winners on a Minster Oktoberfest float.
How I feel about this topic. I really did like learning about a celebration that I love to go to every year. The facts I learned were interesting and new to me. It will affect how I see the Oktoberfest and why we celebrate it. I will always love the Oktoberfest, but this will give me a different perspective of this celebration. I chose this subject because I wanted to know more about my heritage and this was a great way to do just that. I was amazed on how many people came down to the Oktoberfest and how the Oktoberfest only started in the late 20th Century. I hope you all will someday learn about this great topic and find it interesting too. A cartoon picture of the Classic 10k.
Bibliography "About the Minster Oktoberfest." Minster Oktoberfest. Web. 9 Sept. 2015. http://www.minsteroktoberfest.com/ About the Minster Oktoberfest. (n.d.). Retrieved September 9, 2015. http://www.minsteroh.com/