Welcome to Sendera Ranch Elementary
Meet your Kindergarten teachers Welcome to Sendera Ranch Elementary. Introduce your grade level to the parents.
Kindergarten does not look like I remember it!
Tonight, parents will… know and understand their role in the Parent Learning Community. know ways they can be involved with their child’s classroom and school. understand the expectations of a student at Sendera Ranch Elementary These will be your objectives for the evening. You can read them to the parents, It should be brief.
NISD Beliefs Emphasize our beliefs. You don’t need to read out loud.
Amplify the learning with Library, Art, LAMP it up! Amplify the learning with Library, Art, Music and PE! When you here AMP, think about AMPLIFY THE LEARNING WITH ART MUSIC AND PE.
SRE Library Our Library provides a Flexible Schedule that allows students full access to the library all day. Students also come to the library with their classes on a regular basis to check out book. Story times and lessons are scheduled at other times during the week as well. Kindergarten & 1st grade students may check out one book at a time. Students who have overdue books must return those books before checking out any other books. Book Fair – October 8th-16th
Safety First, Fashion Second! Wear athletic type shoes to P.E. and recess! Flip –flops, platform shoes, heels, Croc type shoes, boots or slip-on style shoes are not safe for your children during PE and recess time. Help your child learn to tie shoes. It’s safer! Wear shorts underneath dresses and skirts.
Report cards come the second six weeks. Family Communication We will have at least one parent/teacher conference this year. Parent conferences will take place between October 8th and October 16th . Newsletters will be delivered electronically, unless otherwise requested. Report cards come the second six weeks. Communication between school and home is very importatnt. Here are some of the ways we communicate with each other.
Be sure to visit other sessions… Word Work Activities Math 101 Speeding to Read
What questions do you have for us?
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