MONDAY 22nd MAY Technology toolkit session 1: Kahoot
Your Interactive Learning Technology Mentors today… Nichola O’Hagan Stefanie Campbell (@stefedu123)
Intended Learning Outcomes Each person will be able to create a Kahoot quiz, using at least 3 questions and two images Each person will be able to edit a Kahoot quiz, changing either times, or question content Each person will be able to share a Kahoot quiz with a colleague
What is Kahoot? Kahoot is a game-based classroom response system launched in 2013. This platform offers educators an engaging way to test the learning and knowledge of their students. Kahoot uses game-based learning approach to inspire creation and research in students. Its system is very entertaining unlike other traditional quiz procedure. Kahoot is a great platform for creating a fun, social and game-like environment in the classroom
Kahoot! On your phone, PC or Tablet Visit Enter game pin Right hand IMAGE is hyperlinked to:
Kahoot - advantages Free and easy to use Mobile technologies Assessment and feedback Fosters social learning Reinforces learning NUMBERS ARE CC0
Kahoot - challenges However… Requires internet connection Smartphones required Requires teacher PC and projector However… These challenges can be overcome, and Kahoot still remains a great tool to use to engage students in assessment activities NUMBERS ARE CC0
Meeting our Intended Learning Outcomes. Following our step-by-step procedure, you will now create your own Kahoot. Stef and Nickie will be assisting you with this as we go along create a Kahoot quiz, using at least 3 questions and two images edit a Kahoot quiz, changing either times, or question content share a Kahoot quiz with a colleague
Step-by-step to create your own Kahoot. Go to Kahoot website and sign up for a free account Decide what type of quiz you want to create and click on link
Name the quiz and click go. Enter the first question, add an optional picture, then add 4 possible answers and change incorrect to correct for the correct answer. Decide how many points per question and set a time limit. Then click add question. When all the questions are created click on save and continue at the bottom of the page.
On the next page select audience and click save and continue. You can then add an optional image. Click done. The Kahoot quiz is created. It is ready to be played or shared.
You can embed your quiz on your VLE or use it class You can embed your quiz on your VLE or use it class. Students can log onto: and enter the room code. You can also share your Kahoot with colleagues
Have we met our ILOs? Each person will be able to create a Kahoot quiz, using at least 3 questions and two images Each person will be able to edit a Kahoot quiz, changing either times, or question content Each person will be able to share a Kahoot quiz with a colleague
Instant feedback: write/draw on your sticky note… How do you feel after this session?
Socrative – Exit ticket – click on student Enter room number Teacher question: How confidant do you feel in creating and sharing Kahoot quizzes?
Questions? Feel free to ask either of the Mentors, Nickie and Stef or Put your question on a sticky note