ESTABLISHING A NATIONAL STRATEGY FOR EDUCATION AND TRAINING IN RADIATION, TRANSPORT AND WASTE SAFETY: IAEA’S APPROACH TO SUPPORT MEMBER STATES Amparo Cristobal Technical Assistance and Information Management Unit Division of Radiation, Transport and Waste Safety Department of Nuclear Safety and Security
IAEA Statutory Safety functions Member States receiving technical assistance are obliged to apply the IAEA Safety Standards IAEA Functions in Radiation & Waste Safety (Article III.A.6) To establish standards of safety To provide for the application of the standards
IAEA Statutory Safety functions IAEA Functions in Radiation & Waste Safety (Article III.A.6) INTERNATIONAL MECHANISMS FOR APPLYING STANDARDS Rendering RADIATION SAFETY SERVICES Providing TECHNICAL COOPERATION Fostering INFORMATION EXCHANGE Knowledge Management & Networking Promoting EDUCATION & TRAINING To establish standards of safety To provide for the application of the standards
WHY A STRATEGIC APPROACH? 2001: Advisory Group of experts on E&T in radiation and waste safety recommended that IAEA E&T activities move from a reactive approach to being proactive Development of a 10-year strategy Endorsed by IAEA General Conference IAEA Strategy for Education and Training in Radiation & Waste Safety 2001–2010 Steering Committee of E&T experts from MS inform/advise on implementation Argentina; Belarus; Brazil; China; Cuba; France; Germany; Greece; Malaysia; Morocco; Spain; Syria; UK; USA
REGIONAL TRAINING CENTRES FOR E&T IN RADIATION PROTECTION EUROPE: ISEU (Belarus - Russian) GAEC (Greece, English) ASIA: NMA (Malaysia - English) AECS (Syria - Arabic) AFRICA: CRNA (Algeria - French) CNESTEN (Morocco, French) GAEC (Ghana - English) LATIN AMERICA: ARN (Argentina - Spanish) IRD/CNEN (Brazil - Portuguese)
POSTGRADUATE EDUCATIONAL COURSES IN RADIATION PROTECTION AND SAFETY OF RADIATION SOURCES Aim: To meet the initial education & training needs of young professionals in radiation protection and the safety of radiation sources 24 Weeks duration Hosted by IAEA Regional Training Centres Learning material available in Arabic, English, French, Russian & Spanish Since the first PGEC in Argentina in 1981 almost 2,000 participants from 120 Member States have attended
TRAIN THE TRAINERS FOR RADIATION PROTECTION OFFICERS (RPO) Aim: To build a core of national trainers in radiation protection & to support the establishment of sustainable national infrastructures to train RPOs of medical and industrial facilities 1 Week duration English, French, Russian, Spanish & Arabic, Training material for RPOs of different practices available Since 2014 more than 420 participants from all the TC regions have attended
IAEA STRATEGY 2001 – 2010: Desired Achievements Strengthen Radiation & Waste Safety Increase number of persons educated & trained in radiation protection & safety IAEA Strategy for Education and Training in Radiation, and Waste Safety 2001–2010 Wider implementation of the BSS and other relevant safety standards Increase quantity of high quality standardized educational & training material Increase access to IAEA regional centres for basic, post-graduate and specialized training Increase number of Member States having a sustainable national education & training programme
IAEA STRATEGIC APPROACH TO EDUCATION AND TRAINING IN RADIATION, TRANSPORT & WASTE SAFETY 2010-2020 2010: Strategy revised by steering committee, taking account of achievements & lessons learned Endorsed by the IAEA General Conference in 2010 IAEA Strategy for Education and Training in Radiation, Transport and Waste Safety 2011–2020 (Continuation of the 2001-2010 Strategy) Steering committee expanded and continues to inform/advise on implementation Algeria; Argentina; Belarus; Belgium; Brazil; China; Cuba; France; Germany; Ghana; Greece; Korea; Malaysia; Morocco; Spain; Syria; UK; USA
IAEA STRATEGY Objectives To strengthen radiation, transport and waste safety infrastructures through building competence in Member States (MSs) To ensure that E&T programmes in MSs address the requirements of the IAEA safety standards To facilitate the establishment of a national strategy for E&T in radiation, transport and waste safety in Member States IAEA Strategy for Education and Training in Radiation, Transport and Waste Safety 2011–2020 (Continuation of the 2001-2010 Strategy)
KEY ELEMENTS OF A NATIONAL STRATEGY FOR EDUCATION & TRAINING IN RADIATION PROTECTION Current and foreseeable facilities & activities Existing regulatory/professional E&T requirements -> No. of people to be trained Assess E&T Needs National Strategy for E&T in Radiation Protection Define E&T events & infrastructure to meet identified needs Have identified needs been met? Are there new needs? Evaluate effectiveness Design National Programme Develop and Implement Programme Develop new/expand existing E&T programmes & infrastructure Strengthen regulatory basis /professional requirements Consider outsourcing (international/regional/bi-lateral resources)
Assisting Member States to develop their National Strategy IAEA Regional Workshops on National Strategies Objectives: To provide MSs with a general understanding of the IAEA guidance on the methodology To familiarize MSs with the relevant IAEA’s safety standards To facilitate collection of national information for the development of national strategies
Workshops on National Strategy for E&T (2012-2015) Lithuania (English) Tajikistan (Russian) Greece (English) Belarus (Russian) Kazakhstan (Russian) Bosnia and Herzegovina (English) Morocco (French) Brazil (Spanish) Botswana (English) Bolivia (Spanish) Ghana (English) Algeria (French) Cuba (Spanish) Tanzania (English) Nicaragua (Spanish) Cote d’Ivoire (French) Jordan (Arabic) Thailand (English) Malaysia (English) (2) 22 Regional workshops; > 300 participants from about 90 MS
Other actions to promote National Strategy for E&T (2014-2015) Austria - IAEA Montenegro FYR of Macedonia Cuba Mauritania Guatemala Burkina Faso Costa Rica Venezuela RD Congo Paraguay Expert Missions to facilitate the establishment of national Policy/Strategy for E&T Consultative meeting of Policy-Makers
2015: Interregional Consultative Meeting of Policy-Decision Makers on the establishment of a National Strategy for Education and Training in Radiation, Transport and Waste Safety (Vienna, 2015) Findings 1. A national strategy plays a key role in building and maintaining competence in a timely and sustainable manner 2. Government commitment is essential 3. All stakeholders must be actively involved in the development and implementation 4. The establishment of a national steering committee is beneficial 5. The involvement of the regulatory body is essential 6. Funding can be a challenge 7. Assistance is available from IAEA
SUMMARY The establishment by Member States of a national strategy for E&T is key to sustainability and effectiveness IAEA has developed guidance and provides support to MSs Future work includes monitoring progress made by Member States; analysing challenges; and identifying solutions
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