Mental Health Benefits 2016 Mental Health Benefits & Other Programs provided by Claremont Behavioral Services
Monterey Bay Public Employees Trust Overview of 2016 Mental Health Benefits (Claremont Behavioral Health) Office Visits In-C.B.H.-network: 100% of contracted rates for the first five (5) visits. Out-of-C.B.H.-network: Paid as any other office visit under Medical Choice & Managed Care plans. No coverage under EPO Plan.
Monterey Bay Public Employees Trust Overview of 2016 Mental Health Benefits (Claremont Behavioral Health) Office Visits Paid as any other illness under the Medical Choice & Managed Care Plans. No Out of Network coverage under the EPO Plan.
In-patient Mental Health Monterey Bay Public Employees Trust Overview of 2016 Mental Health Benefits (Claremont Behavioral Health) In-patient Mental Health In-C.B.H.-network: Covered as any other inpatient stay. Network contracting percentages apply. Approval by Claremont of all inpatient stays is mandatory. There is no coverage for stays not approved by Claremont. Out-of-C.B.H-network: Non-network hospital percentages & rates apply. Must be approved by Claremont. Under the EPO Plan there is no coverage for out-of-network admissions.
Out-of-C.B.H. network: None. Monterey Bay Public Employees Trust Overview of 2016 Mental Health Benefits (Claremont Behavioral Health) Substance Abuse In-C.B.H. network: 100% of contracted rates for detoxification in a contracted hospital. Out-of-C.B.H. network: None.
Monterey Bay Public Employees Trust Overview of 2016 Mental Health Benefits (Claremont Behavioral Health) Rates No additional cost; included in the rates of all three medical plans (Managed Care, Medical Choice, and E.P.O.) .
Back to Mental Health Page Monterey Bay Public Employees Trust Overview of 2016 Mental Health Benefits (Claremont Behavioral Health) Disclaimer This presentation provides only a general overview of your Mental Health benefits; For complete information, consult your copy of the Summary Plan Description or contact either Claremont Behavioral Health (1-800-834-3773 or or Health Services & Benefit Administrators (1-831-757-1711 or 1-888-742-3380). Back to Mental Health Page