Connect 4 Working together , getting it right. Ann Steele Lorna Muir 29th January 2014
Collaboration - recipe for care Working with others locally Sharing information Predicting risks Coordinating services
Achieving better Outcomes Person centred goal planning Remodelling service provision Improved response times More flexible carer support
Networking Benchmarking across the country Working with neighbouring authorities Connecting with technology suppliers Engaging with Europe
New ways of working Partnerships with emergency services Using assistive technology Integrated frontline care Direct access to services
Enabling service users and carers Reablement services Home based respite care Self Directed Support Community capacity
Better Communication Single point of access Shared care pathways Engaging with GPs Service mapping
Technology and Teamwork Telecare services Telehealthcare Monitoring Centres Housing providers
Reshaping Care for Older People The right care at the right time Tackling delayed discharges More people living safely at home Anticipatory care