Data Erasure Process Supporter is contacted within 2 working days to verify ID along with explaining the process as well as any possible implications (i.e.


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Presentation transcript:

Data Erasure Process Supporter is contacted within 2 working days to verify ID along with explaining the process as well as any possible implications (i.e. if it is not possible to erase certain data for 7 years) Request to erase data held on data subject comes into Supporter Services What data is held on the data subject is reviewed Data subject responds, confirming erasure request and has not financially given to CPRE Data subject responds, confirming erasure request but is a recent active donor/member Data subject responds, confirming erasure request but is a lapsed supporter (ie has not donated financially in 7 years) Data is erased and supporter is informed of this Data subject is explained that we will only be able to erase data we no longer need but will suppress data until 7 years has passed with no donations on system from data subject If the data subject is also a member of a local branch, the local branch is also informed Data is erased and supporter is informed of this Alert set for when personal data is scheduled to be erased When data is erased data subject is informed