Warm-Up: 16.December.2014 -Turn in any missing work. -Have the Post-WW2 questions (88 questions) out (if you were absent, grab the 3 items from yesterday on the back desk, incl. the crossword). -Warm-Up: Complete the crossword. Copy the words for your word bank below. Bay of Pigs Iron Curtain France Berlin Wall Thirty-Eighth Soviet Union Warsaw Marshall Korean Truman NATO Potsdam Kent State Nixon Blockade Cuba My Lai Containment Air Lift
Egypt not fully independent – British troops occupied the Suez Canal As a result, Abdul Nasser seizes power in a military coup in 1952 Nasser seizes the Suez Canal, which was owned by an international company controlled by Britain and France Great Britain, France, and Israel attack Egypt The Soviet Union threatens to come to the aid of Egypt and the U.S. pressures Britain, France, and Israel to withdraw from Egypt Nasser promotes Pan-Arabism = Arab unity Wants to unite the Arab world, works hard to destroy Israel
In 1948 the United Nations creates the Jewish state of Israel The problem is that Palestinians already live there, Arab neighbors see this as a betrayal, especially Egypt The next day several Arab nations invade, however the invasion fails – the first Arab-Israeli war They still refuse to recognize Israel’s right to exist
Massacre at the Munich Olympics in 1972 Six Day War (1967) Egypt blockades Israel, and fearing an attack, Israel strikes first Israel breaks through the blockade and seizes new territory Sinai Peninsula, West Bank, Golan Heights, Gaza Strip, and occupies Jerusalem Israel triples its size, some Arab nations still want their land returned Massacre at the Munich Olympics in 1972 Terrorists seize eleven Israeli Olympians, two are killed immediately The other nine die with several terrorists in a shoot out at the airport
OPEC formed in 1960 = the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries Increase prices when upset about Western foreign policy in the Middle East Yom Kippur War (1973) Egypt and Syria launch a surprise attack against Israel on a Jewish holy day In the beginning the Arab force was able to make gains The Israelis are able to push back the invading force with U.S. support Arab members of OPEC place an oil embargo on countries supporting Israel
Camp David Accords (1978) Palestinian Unrest President Carter meets with Anwar Sadat of Egypt and Prime Minister Begin of Israel They sign the Camp David Accords, a peace treaty that ends the state of war between them Egypt recognizes Israel and Israel returns the Sinai Peninsula Both Sadat and Begin are later assassinated Palestinian Unrest PLO = Palestine Liberation Organization, formed 1964 Pledge to destroy Israel and replace it with a Palestinian state Led by Yasser Arafat, launches attacks against Israel
Intifada = rebellion based on resentment of Israeli occupation (1987) Palestinian youths battle Israeli troops in widespread street violence Fighting continues until the early 1990s Oslo Accords (1993) = Arafat and Israeli prime minister Rabin negotiate an agreement to end the violence Called for Palestinians to gradually gain control over governing the West Bank and Gaza Peace undermined - militant group Hamas launches suicide bombings in Israel and an Israeli religious fanatic assassinates Rabin
Revolution in Iran and hostage crisis (1979) A second intifada began in 2000, with Hamas sending suicide bombers into Israel and Israel responding by sending troops in the West Bank and Gaza Revolution in Iran and hostage crisis (1979) Iran had been the chief ally of the U.S. in the Middle East However many Muslims view the new Iranian civilization as being based on greed and materialism and too western, which they blamed as American influence Ayatollah Khomeini leads a revolution, overthrows the gov’t, and sets up an Islamic republic Enforced strict religious and social laws, anti-Western foreign policy
The shah goes to the U.S. for medical treatment, angers the Iranians 52 Americans are then seized in Tehran from the U.S. embassy and held hostage for over a year They are released the day Reagan becomes president Iran-Iraq War (1980-1988) Iran = Shiites, Iran = Sunnis Saddam Hussein invades Iran for territory Due to border disputes and Iran’s new gov’t calling for revolution among Iraq’s Shiite population Uses poison gas and children to clear minefields
Persian Gulf War (1990) Current war in Iraq Iraq invades Kuwait for its oil fields Desert Storm – U.S. leads an international force that frees Kuwait Iraq must destroy its chemical weapons Current war in Iraq U.S. calls for invasion because Iraq is suspected of having chemical weapons War starts in March 2003, ends? Saddam Hussein is removed from power and executed Currently there have been ______ deaths and ______ wounded
Rise of Islamic fundamentalism Afghanistan invaded by the U.S. in 2001 after being accused of sheltering Osama bin Laden and al-Qaeda The Taliban gov’t collapses, American forces still fighting there Rise of Islamic fundamentalism Movement to reorder gov’t and society according to Islamic laws Islamists believe that Muslim countries have strayed from the true path of Islam by following Western influences Islamic militants/extremists use violence to try and bring about changes Goal is to remove all Western influence in Muslim nations