Biomedical Innovations PLTW Year 4 2018-2019
Overview of Year
What will we be doing??? There are 8 units in this course They will be covered in the following order: Unit 8 - Throughout the year Unit 5 Unit 7 - Dissection Involved Unit 2 Unit 1 Unit 3 Unit 4 Unit 6
Grading Policy
Classwork - 30% Projects - 50% Capstone - 20% Labs/Activities Reflections Notebook Homework Projects - 50% ER Design Physiology Experimental Design and Poster Medical Innovation Design Environmental Health Community Profile Community Health Grant Proposal and Project Recombinant Plasmid Lab Write Up Forensic Autopsy Capstone - 20%
Late Work and Academic Intergrity
Late Work All assignments will be accepted late 10% will be lost for each day late Class time will be given for ALL assignments: Use your time wisely If you have an issue completing an assignment please let me know prior to the due date so we can make arrangements.
Academic Integrity DO YOUR OWN WORK AND DOCUMENT OUTSIDE SOURCES Homework/classwork that is plagiarized will receive a ZERO Major assignments that are plagiarized Science supervisor contacted Parents contacted If first offense (in all classes) make up assignment will be given for maximum 70% If second offense no alternate assignment will be given; max grade zero
Research Notebook
Research notebook A resource that will be used to organize your ideas throughout the year. Broken into sections for each unit.
Research Notebook Setup Right Side Section Title Objective Warm-up Concept Maps Personal Research Practice Problems Lab data/graphs/conclusions Reflections Left Side Lecture Notes Video Notes Directions Lab Procedures Sample problems
Things that will not go in your notebook Culminating projects Formal Lab Reports Literature Review Case Studies
Contact Information Course Information can be found on my webpage through the OHS website!