How can Instructor run his/her paper/s into TurnItIn
Type in your web browser Self enrolment Type in your web browser
TurnItIn Homepage
Home page of instructor (Click on ‘add Class’ button)
Assign name and enrolment password for ‘class’
Class has been created and press on it
Now you are at Class homepage
Press on ‘New Assignment’ Button Before you or your students can submit a paper, you first need to create an assignment Press on ‘New Assignment’ Button
Select your assignment type and press on ‘Next Step’
Assign title of new assignment and select due date
Choose ‘More Options’ if it is required If your paper is in progress and even though you wish to run the draft version, in that case choose ‘No repository’ in submit papers to option.
Now you are at Class Homepage again
Press on ‘View’ button
Now you are at specific assignment homepage If you wish to add students click on ‘Students’ option available at left side. You can add student individually or upload the list (student list must contain a first name, last name, and email address for each student) If you don’t wish to add students pl. return to Assignment Homepage
Click on ‘Submit paper’ button to submit your paper to the system
Fill-up/select value of each field
Browse the file and press on ‘upload’ button
After uploading file, preview of paper will be appeared After uploading file, preview of paper will be appeared. Now click on ‘Submit’ button
Now press on ‘go to inbox’ button
Instructor’s Inbox If you are not viewing the plagiarism result PLEASE wait for maximum 10 minutes
Now press on ‘Report View Details’ option
Similarity Index (Plagiarism result)
Right side shows your paper and left side shows percentage of matches
Now you can change the result on pressing different options
Press on colored texts.It will take you to the source from where you have taken/lifted texts
At right side you can see the original source from the text has been lifted/taken
You can print, refresh and download the result