WELCOME TO NEHS 2017-2018 1st Meeting: October 5th 2017
Meet The Board President: Winaly Simpson Vice President: Alani Verges Treasurer: Nicole Rodriguez Secretary: Natalie Rodriguez Publicist: Claudia Perez Club Sponsor: Ms. Edwards
New Members 3.0 GPA Requirement as well as 3.5 English GPA Point system based on events If you miss more than 3 meetings unexcused, you are out of the club A point is earned for every meeting attended 25 points for a cord, 20 points to be a returning member Meetings will be held on Thursdays TBA
Club Fees $10 Club Fee due October 12th $10-$15 for Shirt due TBA Any designs are welcome (1 points per entry Max. 3 entries) Submit at ehsferguson@gmail.com 5 Points will be given to chosen designer Deadline: October 12th
Future Events Miami International Book Fair Field Trip Year-round Book/Donation Drives Club Picture Day Falcon Fright Night College Essay Peer-Review New events may be announced by officers throughout the year
Current Point Opportunities Operation Christmas Child (Further Discussed) Donation boxes sent to children around the world https://www.samaritanspurse.org/what-we-do/operation-christmas-child/ Fright Night Donations List of items/Date will be announced through Remind Venezuela Donations Donations include: Clothes, shoes, sealed/new medicine, toiletries, hygienic items Max. 5 items, 1 point per item (Turn in items in a bag w/ your name on an index card) Last day to donate is October 19th
Upcoming Field Trip If you’re interested in attending to Miami Book Fair in November, send us an email including your name, phone number, and address Spots are limited First come, first serve basis More information will be given once official details are finalized Point opportunity!
Follow Us! Remind: Text @18nehs to 81010 Twitter: @fergusonehs_ Instagram: @nehsferguson Contact us: ehsferguson@gmail.com or through the website http://fergusonnehs.weebly.com/ PowerPoints will be uploaded to website after every meeting