Background Launched in January 2017 Whole of Government approach Builds on, and goes beyond the CEDRA report Developed following consultation process, including with Oireachtas members Consultation highlighted the positivity and resilience in rural Ireland, but also issues to be addressed No “one-size-fits-all” solution Aim is to help unlock the potential of each area
Objectives of the Action Plan To advance economic and social progress in rural Ireland and improve the quality of life…. An overarching structure for the co-ordination and implementation of initiatives across Government…. Through time-bound actions and close monitoring of outcomes…. Answerable to Cabinet Committee on progress
A joined-up approach 3-year plan with over 270 actions across 5 Thematic Pillars For delivery across a range of Govt. Departments, State agencies, Local Authorities and other bodies Synergies with Regional Action Plans for Jobs and other sectoral strategies Value is the cumulative impact of actions focused on rural Ireland
The 5 Pillars Action Plan for Rural Ireland Fostering Culture and Creativity in Rural Communities Maximising our Rural Tourism and Recreation Potential Supporting Sustainable Communities Supporting Enterprise and Employment Improving Rural Infrastructure and Connectivity
Ensuring Delivery Agreed actions, for delivery in a definite time-frame Monitoring Committee chaired at Ministerial level, includes key Departments and rural representatives Progress Reports published twice-yearly Also examining important thematic issues Further actions will be added on an on-going basis Included in the remit of the Economic Cabinet Committee Pat Spillane assisting as Ambassador for the Action Plan
Progress to date First Progress Report published in August 2017 201 actions due for delivery in Q1/Q2 2017, or multi-annual with activity scheduled for 2017 194 actions completed or in progress (where multi-annual) Progress Report available on Measuring impact - a key objective for 2018