Call Us: Roofing in Winter in Westchester New York
Call Us: Roofing in winter is a difficult job. East Coast Roofing has been serving Westchester New York for decades. Here are some points you should keep in mind to ensure your roofing is in good condition in cold winter of Westchester, New York.
Call Us: Freezing temperatures, intense rain, ice and snow are frequent during the winter months in Westchester New York. Extreme Weather
Call Us: Intense cold weather patterns have a negative effect on many different parts of your home, especially on Roofs. Roofing is quite difficult in Westchester New York in winter as in compared in summer times. Roofing is difficult job in winter
Call Us: In winters, glues and adhesives will freeze, which will distort its chemical composition in one way or another, which can and will cause premature failure. Freezing can cause failure
Call Us: So, other tools or products must be used to make these shingles stick. No roofing guns should be used in temperatures under 32 degrees. Be careful with Shingles
Call Us: An ice dam is a ridge of ice that forms at the edge of a roof and prevents melting snow from draining off the roof. The water that backs up behind the dam can leak into a home causing damage to walls, ceilings, and insulation. Ice Dams can be dangerous
Call Us: You can use calcium chloride to melt the ice. You can also try a high quality heating tape. It should be thermostatically controlled and made from heavy gage wire. Melt ice dams
Call Us: Condensation happens when moist warm air comes into contact with a cold surface. Condensation
Call Us: In order to trap the warm air, and not allow it to get to the bottom the roof deck, installing a vapor retarder at ceiling level is a great option. Use vapor retarder to remove condensation
Call Us: Personal safety factor also plays a major role in Roofing. Warm dresses, heavy shoes that can break pieces of ice and thin gloves to get the grip on things should be worn. Winter Roofing Safety
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