UNECE side event, Budapest, June 23,2004 Future E-PRTR, EH InfoSystems, E-Scorecard - co-operating tools for Risk Management of Chemicals? Ondrej Velek ondrej.velek@ecn.cz UNECE side event, Budapest, June 23,2004 “PRTRs now! How Pollutant and Transfer Registers can promote Pan-European Environmental and Public Health”
Management of Chemicals LCA-like regulations of materials, money, information? EH IS PRTR PRTR REACH
Management of Chemicals „Pyramid“ of Chemicals around us: 10 - banned 100 - restricted ... 1000 - reported (PRTR ...) 10 000 - studied (IRPTC ...) 100 000 - registered (REACH ...) 20 000 000 - “named” (CAS numbered) PRTR as a part of Sound Management of Chemicals There is expansion of chemicals produced, used and relased - we live in risky "chemosphere“ and have a limited information about chemicals over their whole life cycle. The PRTR system can be only one part of the whole system of Governmental Management System of Chemicals. With simplification we can imagine some “pyramid of actions” which countries can do for sound management of chemical substances: in order of 10 chemicals can be banned (e.g. DDTs, PCBs), countries usually restrict and introduce limits for about 100 substances polluting environment (POPs, heavy metals). For practical reasons not more than about 1000 of chemicals are reported regularly (PRTRs), peer reviewed international registers have about 10000 substances (IRPTC...), compiled scientific registers gather information on about 100 000 substances (RTECS,....). But at the same time about 2 000 000 mixtures are in the market, we know that we can name more than 15 000 000 substances around us and new substances and mixtures are entering our markets. PRTR as a part of Market with the Cleaner Technologies From the free market point of view industry can profit from the “governmental” PRTR system. The market of Cleaner Production technologies, Innovation cycles, Pollution Prevention audits etc. is stimulated by goods access of experts from industry to information on polluters.
Env.Health Info Systems and Chemosphere? Doses - exposures - effects..
PRTR - Tool for Risk Management Nat. PRTRs, GIS and modelling tools available ... Identification of “hotspots” „ex-post“ Identification of Diffuse sources in local context Identification of sensitive groups (children, women and eldery) near facilities Risk Analysis and Models of risk „ex-ante“ Risk Communication in local context
E-PRTR step-by-step Development ? Norway proposal...
EH IS -PRTR Integration? - SWOT
Some useful PRTR links http://www.unece.org/env/pp/prtr.htm http://www.who.int/iomc/cg.html#PRTR http://www.unitar.org/cwm/ http://prtrvc.unitar.org http://irptc.unep.ch/prtr/default.htm http://www.oecd.org/ www.cec.org http://www.eper.cec.eu.int/ http://www.iheal.org…..