Normangee I.S.D. Safety Procedures Information provided by I Love U Guys Foundation Recent updates noted in the newest edition of the Normangee ISD Safety Plan
What is Most Important? Student Safety is our biggest priority. How can students help teachers keep everyone safe? Know what to do in an emergency Always listen to the teacher’s instructions. Help others when they need it. If you see something unusual, tell your teacher or another staff member. What is Most Important?
Standard Response Protocol All you will need to know are 4 actions. Lockout Evacuate Shelter Lockdown Standard Response Protocol
Lockout The principal will say: What will you do? “Lockout! Secure the perimeter” What will you do? If you are outside the building, come in immediately. Make sure outside doors are locked. Teacher will take roll and notify the office of missing students. Increase awareness, but carry on as normal. Lockout
Teachers: Please practice lockout procedures with your class. Time to Practice
Lockdown The principal will say: What will you do? “Lockdown! Locks Lights Out of Sight” What will you do? - Go to the place that your teacher has taught you to go. You should be grouped together and hidden. - Your teacher will lock the door, turn out the lights, and cover all windows if possible. - Your teacher will take roll. - Stay quiet and hidden until someone comes to unlock your classroom. Lockdown
Teachers: Please practice lockdown procedures with your class. Time to Practice
Evacuation The principal will say: What will you do? “Evacuate to the ______________ ” “Evacuate to the ______________” What will you do? -Leave all of your things. - Form a single file line. - Do not talk. Listen to your teacher. - Teachers will get their emergency backpacks. - Exit the building following the designated route. - Teachers will take roll. - Teachers will display their Red/Green card to show if help is needed. - Classes may enter the building once the directive is given. Evacuation
Teachers: Please practice evacuation procedures with your class. Time to Practice
Shelter The principal will say: What will you do? “Shelter for ______________, (method)__________ ” “Shelter for ______________, (method) __________” Example: Shelter for Tornado, Drop, cover and hold. What will you do? - Listen to teachers directions about where to seek shelter. - Move to that place quickly and quietly. -Get into the position that was directed by the principal. - Teachers will take roll if possible. - Teachers will notify the office of missing students if possible. - Remain in the shelter position until directed to move by the principal. Shelter
Teachers: Please practice shelter procedures with your class. Time to Practice
The End Good Job Everyone We will have several school wide drills this school year so…. Practice, practice, practice. The End