Mid Ross Alcohol and Drugs Profiles Presentation for Mid Ross Community Partnership, May 2018 Carolyn Hunter-Rowe Email: c.hunterrowe@nhs.net Website: www.highland-adp.org.uk Substance Awareness Toolkit: www.h-sat.co.uk
HADP Role Implement an alcohol and drugs strategy informed by local needs assessment Reduce inequality and harm via activity ranging from prevention through to recovery Deliver quality services that support recovery and involve service users and families Provide a commissioning framework and direct funding towards agreed priorities Regularly report on performance and measure progress against key performance indicators Respond to changing national and local priorities ‘Seek, Keep, Treat’
Highland Alcohol and Drugs Strategy 2017 - 2020
Local Profiles Improve understanding of the impact of alcohol and drugs in local communities Support multiple strands of the HADP Strategy: prevention whole population approaches licensing/overprovision collaboration with local partnerships
Mortality from chronic liver disease and cirrhosis, all ages, selected European countries, 1980 - 2014 Source(s): European Health for All database, ScotPHO ICD-10 code: K70, K73 and K74. EASR = European Age-Sex Standardised Rate World Health Organisation.
Alcohol-related mortality Source(s): National Records of Scotland. Alcohol related deaths (underlying cause) 5 year aggregate number 2012 - 2016, directly age-sex standardised rate per 100,000 population. 2013 European Standard Population.
Alcohol-related hospital admissions Source(s): SMR01 General and acute inpatient and daycase stays with an alcohol-related condition in any diagnostic position, 2014/15 – 2016/17 3 year aggregate, directly age-sex standardised rate per 100,000 population. 2013 European Standard Population.
Alcohol-related hospital admissions Source(s): SMR01 General and acute inpatient and daycase stays with an alcohol-related condition in any diagnostic position, 2016/17, directly age-sex standardised rate per 100,000 population. 2013 European Standard Population.
Alcohol Brief Interventions Source(s): NHS Highland Monthly Management Information, ISD Scotland
Assessments for drug and alcohol services Source(s): Drug and Alcohol Treatment Waiting Times database (DATWT), 2016/17
Improving Outcomes Improving collaboration - inter-agency responses Improving prevention and early intervention - shift emphasis towards prevention Improving integration and innovation - new integrated service models Improving engagement and inclusion - reaching hard to engage people and communities Reducing inequality - targeting vulnerable/high risk people and deprived communities Improving and adding value - strengthening assets/best value
Examples of local prevention and early intervention approaches
Questions? How can the partnership use this information to identify gaps and areas of improvement for future action plans? Is there anything you think should be prioritised to reduce the risks of drug and alcohol use in Mid Ross?