English II Honors NO PHONES Remind Codes Text your course code to 801010 1st: @da2he9 3rd: @kbg23ad 4th: @88b3ka 5th: @edgkhk English II Honors Supply List Composition notebook 3 prong folder 1st: Red 3rd: Orange 4th: Yellow 5th: Green Loose leaf paper Pencils Highlighter Independent Reading Projects Every two months, students will be required to choose from a project list over a book they choose. I have marked the projects available to do with a partner below. Write a diary from the main character (5 entries). Create a promotion campaign. (P) Create a vlog. (P) Compare the book to the movie. Create a timeline of events. Create a poetic summary. Create a text with answer key (10 questions). Journal your thoughts as you read. Create a playlist (10 songs). Tentative Due Dates for Independent Reading Projects Aug/Sept – 9/28 Oct/Nov – 11/30 Dec/Jan – 1/25 Feb/March – 3/22 Grading Policy Grades are earned using a total points system. Homework and classwork items will be worth fewer points than tests, projects, and papers Rubrics (including expectations) for projects and papers will be given with the assignment. Grade Scale 93-100 = A 85-92 =B 75-84 = C 70-74 = D <69 = F Make-Up Work Policy Students have 5 days from their date of return to complete the process Hall Passes Each student may use a maximum of 5 restroom passes during a quarter. Leaving the classroom is for emergencies only. Major Works A Long Way Gone Julius Caesar and Antigone Night Other short stories Tardies If you are not in your seat when the bell rings, you will be marked TARDY. 3 = meet w/Dean 4 = 1 detention 6 = 1 ISS 9 = OSS Composition Book Your comp book will be used to keep all of your bellwork, vocabulary, notes, and writing in one place to create an interactive notebook. This notebook will checked periodically for a grade. Be sure to keep it up-to-date. Rules Be respectful. Be on time and prepared. Follow school rules. NO FOOD. All phones will be placed in a secure location at my desk at the beginning of class. Students may retrieve them at the end of class or when using them for classwork. NO PHONES Have a question? E-mail or call me! silvast@rcschools.net 615-904-5800 ext. 29542 Room 312
English II NO PHONES Remind Codes Text your course code to 801010 6th: @bc4323 7th: @b3ekfb English II Supply List Composition notebook 3 prong folder 6th: Blue 7th: Violet Loose leaf paper Pencils Highlighter Independent Reading Projects Every three months, students will be required to choose from a project list over a book they choose. I have marked the projects available to do with a partner below. Write a diary from the main character (5 entries). Create a promotion campaign. (P) Create a vlog. (P) Compare the book to the movie. Create a timeline of events. Create a poetic summary. Create a text with answer key (10 questions). Journal your thoughts as you read. Create a playlist (10 songs). Tentative Due Dates for Independent Reading Projects Aug-Oct – 10/26 Nov-Jan – 1/25 Feb-April – 4/26 Grading Policy Grades are earned using a total points system. Homework and classwork items will be worth fewer points than tests, projects, and papers Rubrics (including expectations) for projects and papers will be given with the assignment. Grade Scale 93-100 = A 85-92 =B 75-84 = C 70-74 = D <69 = F Make-Up Work Policy Students have 5 days from their date of return to complete the process Hall Passes Each student may use a maximum of 5 restroom passes during a quarter. Leaving the classroom is for emergencies only. Major Works A Long Way Gone Julius Caesar and Antigone Night Other short stories Tardies If you are not in your seat when the bell rings, you will be marked TARDY. 3 = meet w/Dean 4 = 1 detention 6 = 1 ISS 9 = OSS Composition Book Your comp book will be used to keep all of your bellwork, vocabulary, notes, and writing in one place to create an interactive notebook. This notebook will checked periodically for a grade. Be sure to keep it up-to-date. Rules Be respectful. Be on time and prepared. Follow school rules. NO FOOD. All phones will be placed in a secure location at my desk at the beginning of class. Students may retrieve them at the end of class or when using them for classwork. NO PHONES Have a question? E-mail or call me! silvast@rcschools.net 615-904-5800 ext. 29542 Room 312