Goal Progress Measure 1.1 Update September 26, 2017 Academics Division Lone Star Governance Goal Progress Measure 1.1 Update September 26, 2017 Academics Division CC
Student Outcome Goal Progress Measure 1.1 Percent of students in grades K-3 reading on or above grade level as measured by FWISD universal screener/progress monitoring tool, will increase from 27% to 37% by 2019. Target Baseline SA
Immediate Actions: Beginning of Year Curriculum & Instruction Elementary Literacy Team District Professional Learning Day Curriculum Review and Updates Smarty Ants and Achieve 3000 Integration into Core Instructional Practices Professional Learning Design Learning Walks Teacher Support Student Technology Needs Assessment New-to-District Achieve 3000 Training Reading and Writing Content Deepening Small Group Instruction KB
Immediate Actions: Beginning of Year Campus Leadership CEIP Aligned with Board Goals Campus-Level Action Steps to Target Student Growth Principals Leading Implementation Data Review: 2016-2017 and Current Year System and Processes Refinement Leadership expectations at all levels Best Practices and Successes in PLCs Student Growth Analysis: District and Campus Goals Comparison Molinar
Immediate Actions: Beginning of Year Teachers Teacher Preparation (August) District-wide Literacy Teachers Training (August 16-17) Best Practices Collaboration across Grade Levels and Schools Teacher Implementation (September) Student Schedules with Achieve 3000 Integrated into Weekly Instruction Lesson Design using the 5-Step Literacy Routine Data Monitoring Teacher Team Meetings Celebrations of Success KB
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