Homework 06 Equivalent electrical circuits of thermal systems o Problem 1:
o Qk1 Qk2 Qk3 C1 C2 C3 TB TA R1a R12 R2a R23 R3B R3a RBa Problem 1: In the system shown in the figure, Qk1, Qk2, Qk3 and TB are the inputs. Thermal capacitances of the rooms are given. Thermal resistances between the rooms and atmospher are also given. Establish the equivalent electrical circuit of the system. - + VB C1 R1a R12 C2 R2a R23 C3 R3a R3B RBa VA Click for answer. Isıl Elek. Rn Rn Cn Cn Qn Tn Vn