Professional Growth Plan Balanced Literacy in Read 180 Jacinda VanHorn June27th 2014 EDUC 640
Writing: Self and Peer editing Why? I have not been successful with this part of the writer’s workshop in Read 180. Gradual release of responsibility 1. model and share “write aloud” 2. student practice on sample writing 3. work on sample writing with peer 4. self edit own writing 5. peer edit writing Show students examples of checklist and make our own as a class Best practice in Balanced Literacy: p. 141 Guide students as they draft and revise p. 142 Lead students to learn craft of writing Allington 6T’s: teach
Writing: Teacher/Student Conference Why? Need to do more – better record keeping and time for one on one instruction Use calendar to keep on track Use conference record form Best practice in Balanced Literacy: p. 143 Confer with students on writing
Writing: Portfolio Use a file folder or binder Why? To be more organized and have better documentation. Use a file folder or binder All writing from school year, including ELA, science and social studies Student picks best to produce a final piece Writer self evaluation/reflection Super documentation IEPs Best Practice in Balanced Literacy: p. 79 student portfolios as formative-reflective assessment
Read aloud project: read picture books to elementary students Reading: Fluency Why? Confidence, don’t get enough fluency practice during class Read aloud project: read picture books to elementary students Gradual release of Responsibility: I model reading to class and teach how to read aloud Students choose book and practice with self, partner then read to our class read to elementary students Balanced literacy: Café Menu Essential Elements - Speaking