A Vocabulary Review Activity
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The is… Pharaoh A ruler of Ancient Egypt
The is… Israelite One of the descendants of Jacob/Israel; God’s chosen people
The is… Moses God’s chosen prophet to help the Israelites escape from Egypt
The is… Yahweh The most sacred of the Old Testament names for God
The is… Passover The night the Lord passed over the houses of the Israelites marked by the blood of a lamb
The is… Manna Little flakes the Israelites collected and boiled or baked into bread
is… The Ten Commandments The list of ten rules of moral behavior that God gave Moses
The is… Mount Sinai The place where Moses received the Ten Commandments and formed a Covenant with God
The is… Aaron Moses’s brother
The is… Red Sea The sea that Moses parted to get out of Egypt
The is… Ten Plagues The ten plagues God sent onto Egypt to make the Pharaoh let His People go