Sounds of Poetry
R h y t h m t h e r i s e a n d f a l l o f o u r v o i c e s a s w e s t r e s s s o m e s o u n d s m o r e s t r o n g l y t h a n o t h e r s Can be fast or slow or serious Light Can sound like everyday speech
Rhyme repetition of similar sounds, especially the end of a word
End Rhymes found at the end of two lines Example: The garbage rolled on down the hall, It raised the roof, it broke the wall.
Internal Rhyme occurs within the lines Example: Shes scour the pots and scrape the pans, Candy the yams and spice the hams.
Exact Rhymes Last part of the two words are identical Example: tree and free
Slant Rhymes Sounds that almost rhyme Example: Milly and Molly
Rhyme Scheme Sarah Cynthia Sylvia Stout Would not take the garbage out! Shes scour the pots and scrape the pans, Candy the yams and spice the hams, And though her daddy would scream and shout, She simply would not take the garbage out. And so it piled up to the ceilings: Coffee grounds, potato peelings, A A A A B B C C
Repetition Recurring use of a sound, a word, a phrase, or a line Emphasizes important ideas Example: Because I do not hope to turn again, Because I do not hope, Because I do not hope to turn.
Alliteration Repetition of consonant sounds in words that are close together Example: Prune pits, peach pits, orange peel,
Onomatopoeia words whose sounds echo their meaning Examples Buzz Hiss Crash