Guided Imagery for Pain, Panic and Surgery Chaplain David Carl Executive Director of Spiritual Care AVP Patient Experience Carolinas HealthCare System
Interface of Mind, Body and Spirit A focused way to relax A psychological strategy Imagination creates calm and peaceful images We can have a part in the healing process
The Word Becomes Flesh What is imagined can become real Suggestions and thoughts guide the mind toward a focused and relaxed state Can involve an instructor, recordings, or scripts Can lead to inspiration
Pain Management Music Imagery Art
Panic The body responds to what we are thinking Feelings and thoughts form emotions Emotions permeate very cell of our body Are we promoting dis-ease or healing? There is no neutral
Surgery Peggy Huddleston ( Prepare for Surgery, Heal Faster Allows for us to participate constructively in our own surgery
Huddleston’s 5 Healing Steps Relax to feel peaceful Visualize your healing Organize a support group Use healing statements Engage your surgical team to include your anesthesiogist
Results Feel calmer before surgery Have less pain after surgery Use less pain medication Recover faster Strengthen your immune system Save money on medical bills