U.S. History Colonies of Early America Chapter Preview & Vocabulary Study September 3, 2014
Warm-Up: CNN Student News – 9-3-14 Title page as: Write down facts as you watch the video. 1 point = 1 correctly written fact. Example: The Sky = This is NOT a fact. The Sky is Blue = This IS a fact.
Introduction to the Chapter How to Read the Textbook. American, New England Colonies. Primary & Secondary Source Review Significance and focus.
Activity & Assessment – Assignment: Chapter Personal Dictionary Chapter 2. pp. 34-63. Section 1, Section, 2, Section 3, Section 4. Write down the vocabulary word / Key Terms. Find the definition of the word in the textbook where the word is highlighted in the text. Options: 1. Record the definition in writing as seen in the textbook. 2. Record the definition in writing in your own words. 3. Record the definition as a drawing. Hint: You can choose which words you want to write or draw on.
Closure: “Preferred Activities” On the same page as your warm-up, create a list of “preferred activities” that you and the class would like to do in the case that you or others finish your work early. The activities must be school appropriate and realistic. The teacher will read the list of “preferred activities” and decide the best ones that students can use. Examples: Draw/color a picture. Read a section in a book (2-3 pages), write a summary (3-5 sentences), receive extra credit.
What if we don’t finish in time? Homework: Options: 1.Write down the key terms on the left side to look up the definitions, on your own time, at home. 2. Don’t write anything down and check out a textbook. Turn in by Monday.