Please check-in, fill out a name tag, and sit with your parents. Welcome! Please check-in, fill out a name tag, and sit with your parents.
Opening Prayer
Quiz (on Lesson 23)
1. You’re born again because you have: been baptized. done enough good works. gone to church. none of the above. Baptism Quiz!
Baptism Quiz! 2. Daily repentance is: sinning all day long. asking God for forgiveness. doing a 180 in your life. Both B & C Baptism Quiz!
Baptism Quiz! 3. The Body of Christ is: Faith Lutheran Church our class every Christian – past, present, & future. all of the above. Baptism Quiz!
4. The water in Faith’s baptismal font is: plain, tap water. from Israel. sea water. none of the above. Baptism Quiz!
5. True or false: Only pastors can baptize. 5. True or false: Only pastors can baptize. Baptism Quiz!
6. True or false: Baptism is a sacrament. 6. True or false: Baptism is a sacrament. Baptism Quiz!
7. True or false: It doesn’t matter how old a person is to be baptized. Baptism Quiz!
8. True or false: Jesus’ Godparents were Elizabeth & Zechariah. 8. True or false: Jesus’ Godparents were Elizabeth & Zechariah. Baptism Quiz!
Today’s Lesson Sacraments – Baptism: Word with Water In your small group, define the Key Words together.
Key Words THE WORD Jesus Christ, the Living Word of God made flesh. Also, spoken and written words that point us to Christ. PROMISE A commitment that is dependable and reliable. SACRAMENT God’s Word joined with an earthly element through which God’s promises work. There are two sacraments – Holy Communion and Holy Baptism.
How many of you used water today? What did you use it for?
In the life of the Church, God uses water to bless people. Some examples… Water is part of creation (Gen. 1:2; 2:6) Water is used for healing and cleaning. Noah (Gen. 6:17; 8:1-5; 9:12-16) Naaman (2 Kings 5:1-15) Israelites & the Red Sea (Ex. 14) Water from a rock (Ex. 17)
In the life of the Church, God uses water to bless people. Some more examples… John the Baptist (Matthew 3:1-12) Jesus understood his crucifixion to be a baptism (Luke 12:50) We are joined to Jesus’ death and resurrection through our baptism (Rom. 6:4)
God’s Word includes both a command and a promise. The command is to go and baptize (Mt. 28:19). The promise is salvation (Mark 16:16).
Small Catechism pgs. 212-216 Briefly summarize “The Power of Baptism” on pgs. 212-213. What is the Old Adam and new man? (pgs. 214-216)
reflect with this question: At your table, reflect with this question: How can you remember your baptism this week?
At your table: Share: Your highs and lows from the week Write down prayer requests Choose a confirmand to pray later
Reminders! Read SC pgs. 30-31 for next Tuesday! Thank you, Pastor Ben for teaching tonight! 15 sermon notes & 15 service hours due May 1st! Flower City Work Camp Meeting on Sunday, Mar. 18 @ Noon in FLY Room!
Upcoming Sunday Night FLY’s!
Have a wonderful week! Go in peace and serve the Lord!