Contents - HIV global slides July 2017 Global epidemic Global progress and cascade Policy uptake and accountability
Summary of global HIV epidemic (2016)
People living with HIV by WHO region (2016)
World Health Organization 22 February 2019 Summary of global HIV epidemic (2016) Number of people living with HIV in 2016 Total Adults Women Men Children (<15 years) 36.7 million [30.8 million – 42.9 million] 34.5 million [28.8 million – 40.2 million] 17.8 million [15.4 million – 20.3 million] 16.7 million [14.0 million – 19.5 million] 2.1 million [1.7 million – 2.6 million] 1.8 million [1.6 million – 2.1 million] 1.7 million [1.4 million – 1.9 million] 160 000 [100 000 – 220 000] 1.0 million [830 000 – 1.2 million] 890 000 [740 000 – 1.1 million] 120 000 [79 000 – 160 000] People newly infected with HIV in 2016 AIDS deaths in 2016 Source: UNAIDS/WHO estimates.
Decline in HIV incidence and mortality over time Source: UNAIDS/WHO estimates.
Remarkable individual and population health benefits 70 World Life Expectancy at birth 60 S.Africa 50 Changes in life expectancy at birth in selected countries in the WHO African Region with a high burden of HIV infection, 1985–2015 40 Zimbabwe 1985 2000 2015
Global epidemic Global progress and cascade Policy uptake and accountability
Number of people newly infected with HIV 19% 40% 90% Future targets UNAIDS/WHO estimates
Number of people dying from HIV 19% 40% 90% Future targets UNAIDS/WHO estimates
Number of people receiving antiretroviral treatment 19% 40% 90% Future targets UNAIDS/WHO estimates
HIV testing and care continuum (2016) UNAIDS/WHO estimates
HIV testing and care continuum by WHO region (2016) UNAIDS/WHO estimates
Increase in people receiving ART over time 19.5 [17.2–20.3] million on treatment by 2016 20.9 million on treatment by mid-2017 Source: UNAIDS/WHO estimates.
ART coverage over time Source: UNAIDS/WHO estimates.
ART coverage by sex among adults, 2016 Source: UNAIDS/WHO estimates.
Countries with size proportional to people on ART, 2000-2016 Mp4 video Countries with size proportional to people on ART, 2000-2016
Countries with size proportional to people on ART, 2000-2016 WMF video Countries with size proportional to people on ART, 2000-2016 Countries with size proportional to people on ART, 2000-2016
People receiving ART by region, 2000−2016 2000 2010 2016 WHO Region Number of people on ART Estimated number of people living with HIV ART coverage (%) African Region 6 600 20 800 000 <1 4 954 000 23 700 000 21 13 799 000 25 600 000 54 [18 100 000–23 500 000] [<1−<1] [20 900 000–26 500 000] [16−24] [22 900 000−28 600 000] [42−63] Eastern and Southern Africa 3 900 14 800 000 4 112 000 17 600 000 23 11 715 000 19 500 000 60 [13 500 000–16 200 000] [15 900 000–19 200 000] [19−27] [17 900 000–21 200 000] [48−68] Western and Central Africa 2 700 6 000 000 842 000 6 100 000 14 2 084 000 34 [4 600 000–7 400 000] [4 900 000–7 500 000] [10−17] [24−44] Region of the Americas 486 000 2 000 000 24 1 291 000 2 800 000 46 2 169 000 3 300 000 66 [1 800 000–2 300 000] [18−28] [2 400 000– 3 200 000] [35−54] [2 900 000−3 800 000] [50−77] Eastern Mediterranean Region 1 500 92 000 2 17 200 260 000 7 54 300 360 000 15 [60 000–140 000] [1−3] [210 000–340 000] [5−9] [290 000−500 000] [11−22] European Region 178 000 910 000 20 560 000 1 600 000 1 121 000 2 400 000 [840 000–990 000] [16−22] [1 500 000–1 800 000] [28−38] [2 300 000−2 600 000] [38−51] South-East Asia Region 2 200 3 000 000 677 000 3 500 000 1 567 000 45 [2 100 000–6 100 000] [2 500 000–7 700 000] [12−45] [2 500 000−8 200 000] [28−>95] Western Pacific Region 10 500 830 000 1 233 000 1 300 000 19 813 000 1 500 000 55 [710 000–1 000 000] [1−2] [1 100 000–1 500 000] [14−24] [1 200 000−2 000 000] [37−77] Global 685 000 27 700 000 7 731 000 33 200 000 19 523 000 36 700 000 53 [23 200 000–32 300 000] [2–3] [27 600 000–39 200 000] [17–29] [30 800 000−42 900 000] [39−65]
New HIV infections by region, 2015−2016 WHO region Number of new HIV infections 2015 2016 New HIV infections all ages (per 1000 uninfected population) 2015 New HIV infections all ages (per 1000 uninfected population) 2016 Africa 1 200 000 1.34 1.24 [1 000 000–1 400 000] [980 000–1 300 000] Americas 150 000 0.16 [130 000–180 000] South-East Asia 160 000 0.09 0.08 [130 000–410 000] [110 000–180 000] Europe 210 000 220 000 0.23 0.25 [200 000–220 000] [210 000–230 000] Eastern Mediterranean 36 000 37 000 0.06 [29 000–54 000] [29 000–57 000] Western Pacific 97 000 0.05 [120 000–240 000] [46 000–170 000] Global 1 900 000 1 800 000 0.27 0.26 [1 600 000–2 200 000] [1 600 000–2 100 000]
World Health Organization 22 February 2019 Deaths due to HIV by region, 2015−2016 WHO region Number of deaths due to HIV/AIDS 2015 2016 Africa 760 000 720 000 [620 000–930 000] [590 000−890 000] Americas 57 000 54 000 [47 000–69 000] [44 000−65 000] South-East Asia 130 000 [130 000–230 000] [120 000−220 000] Europe 46 000 49 000 [38 000–53 000] [40 000−56 000] Eastern Mediterranean 16 000 17 000 [13 000–22 000] [14 000−24 000] Western Pacific 44 000 39 000 [30 000- 69 000] [25 000−66 000] Global 1 100 000 1 000 000 [880 000-1 300 000] [830 000−1 200 000]
Global epidemic Global progress and cascade Policy uptake and accountability
World Health Organization 22 February 2019
World Health Organization 22 February 2019
World Health Organization 22 February 2019
World Health Organization 22 February 2019
World Health Organization 22 February 2019
World Health Organization 22 February 2019
World Health Organization 22 February 2019