SBE Policy Update: GCS-M-001 Grade Replacement Overview Brian Kingsley, Drew Cook, Crystal Reardon
GCS-M-001: Course For Credit NC Standard Course of Study High School Credit High School Credit in Middle School E-Learning Opportunities Credit Recovery Credit by Demonstrated Mastery (CDM) Repeating a Course for Credit
GCS-M-001 (7): Repeating a Course for Credit SBE policy defines “repeating a course for credit” as any high school course repeated via any delivery method when the entire Standard Course of Study is being taught for the second time. Credit recovery refers to a block of instruction that is less than the entirety of the Standard Course of Study for that course
GCS-M-001 (7.4): Repeating a Course for Credit Beginning in 2015–16, for students who initially fail a high school course and repeat the course for credit, upon completion of the repeated course, the new course grade shall replace the previous grade for the course.
GCS-M-001 (7): Repeating a Course for Credit Practices that will continue in WCPSS: Students who fail a high school course will be able to repeat the course for credit OR complete credit recovery.
GCS-M-001 (7): Repeating a Course for Credit Practices that will continue in WCPSS: Students who pass a high school course, but with minimum mastery, will be able to repeat the course if requested. Both grades will be recorded on the transcript and both will count towards GPA calculation. Per 7.5, only one credit will count towards graduation.
GCS-M-001 (7): Repeating a Course for Credit Practice that will change in WCPSS with the updated policy: For students who fail a course and repeat the full course (not credit recovery) and earn a passing grade, the passing grade will replace the failing grade in GPA calculation. Both grades will be recorded on the transcript.
GCS-M-001 (7): Repeating a Course for Credit Questions?