Lesson 5 Day 2
Question of the Day What would you say to a new student to welcome them to your class? What friendly thing could you say to a person you do not know well? To welcome a new student, I would say _______.
Root Words; Endings –ed & -ing dropped What is the root word? What ending was added? How did the root word change? naming joked What are the root words? What endings were added? How did the words change? Words are often easier to read if we break them down. sanded gliding mopped Say the word, then find the root and ending.
Root Word Practice moved move waking wake hopped hop folded fold Find each root word and explain how the root word changed when the ending was added. moved move waking wake hopped hop folded fold
Characters and Setting people or animals in a story. Characters are _____________________. The setting is _______ and _______ a story takes place. Open your book to “The School News” and identify the setting. What information in the text helped you? Work with your partner to identify a character in the story and write 2 or 3 sentences explaining what the character is like. Also write down the clues that helped you. when where
Alphabetical Order Alphabetical order can help when we are looking up words in a dictionary, an encyclopedia, or the index in the back of a textbook. When you put words in ABC order, start by looking at the first letter. If the words start with the same letter, look to the second letter. Sometimes you may need to look to the third letter or even farther to put the words in ABC order.
ABC Order caring tease talk bandit feel calling Which of these words comes first in alphabetical order? How do you know? Finish writing the words in ABC order. Let your partner check your answers. bandit calling caring feel talk tease
Vocabulary 1. I saw an image of my favorite actor on television. An image is a picture of something or someone. What is the word? What is an image you have seen in a magazine advertisement? 2. The movie is so popular that it is hard to get tickets to see it. Something that is popular is something that many people like. What snacks are popular with kids?
Vocabulary Practice What are some of your favorite movies? What are some images you remember from them? Describe specific images. Work with your partner to list some after-school activities that are popular with kids. Turn and Talk.
DOL an D 1. do you have a extra pencil! 2. please keep the puppies on his leash? ? ^ puppy P .
Grammar: Review Commands and Exclamations A command tells someone to do something. It usually ends with a period. A strong command ends with an exclamation point. An exclamation expresses surprise, excitement, or other strong feelings. It ends with an exclamation point.
Grammar Practice 1. This pan is really hot 2. Please take the puppy for a walk Which sentence is a command? Which sentence is an exclamation? What punctuation marks are needed for each sentence?