Conduct Reveals Character Lesson 25
Theme The way a person thinks about God, others, and himself will eventually become clear by the way he acts.
Theme Man’s actions are evidence of his spiritual condition.
I. Christ’s Conduct Revealed His Character A. Christ’s Opposition to Satan Mt. 12:22-29 1. Healing of a demon-possessed man brought 2 different responses a. people were amazed b. Pharisees said by the power of Beelzebub
I. Christ’s Conduct Revealed His Character 2. Christ refuted the accusation a. why would Satan fight himself? b. they took credit for exorcisms c. since Christ cast out demons in the power of the Spirit of God, the Pharisees should have recognized Him as the promised Messiah.
I. Christ’s Conduct Revealed His Character B. The Pharisee’s Opposition Mt. 12:30-32 1. Anyone who does nothing to assist Christ in His work is as bad as an opponent 2. Anyone who credits His work to Satan will never respond to conviction
II. Our Conduct Will Be Our Judge A. The Pharisees’ Evil Words Mt. 12:33-37 B. The Pharisees’ Evil Wish Mt. 12:38-42 1. The Pharisees asked Him to give them a sign that He was of God 2. Just done a great sign - Jonah
III. Conduct Cannot Replace Christian Character A. Failure of Reformation Mt. 12:43-45 1. Empty adherence to laws is not enough to please God 2. Man freed from demons, but did not get right with God - possessed again
III. Conduct Cannot Replace Christian Character B. Failure of Relationships Mt. 12:46-50 1. Jesus said that His disciples were closer to Him than His own family.