The basics of animation Persistence of vision – Look at something, then close your eyes. You can still see the object for a short time after it has disappeared. This fact is used in animation. It means that separate diagrams with slight changes in motion do not appear jerky.
Flip books A slightly different diagram showing motion is put on each page. When the book is flipped the animation appears smooth.
Stop motion A model is photographed then moved slightly and photographed again steps are repeated frames are joined with a short delay between them. The overall effect is of animation. Wallace & Gromit is an example of this.
Flash/key frame animation Flash is a piece of software used to create animations. Key frames are the starting frame and the finishing frame in an animation, which the animator chooses. The software then fills in the frames between the two key frames, called tweening. FRAME–BY-FRAME animation is where the animator positions each frame, often letters in a word, rather than the software automatically filling them in for you. Shape tweening is where a shape starts as one thing in the starting frame, and then morphs into a different shape by the finishing frame. Motion tweening is where an object moves its position from the starting frame to the finishing frame.
Rotoscoping This is where the animator takes a photograph and traces around it to produce a cartoon-like image. This is then used in the animation.
3D Animation This is the most complex of all types of animation. Software is complex. Software can be expensive.